Chapter 5: I Do Bull Fighting...Again

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Percy's POV:

Waking up alone back in mom's cabin, brought back my slight feeling of loneliness. So I went to go see what's for breakfast. 

At the dinning pavilion I could see that some of the Ares kids were wrapped up in bandages and looked injured, while the Apollo kids that were here looked ready to fall asleep into their breakfast.

"Clarisse, did anything happen last night" I asked, unaware if something did happen

"small army attack, mostly hellhounds and dracaena", nothing my cabin couldn't handle, but we are out till lunch, according to the docs over there" she said, sounding annoyed that most of her cabin couldn't do anything till around lunch.

"Alright, I'll see if Annabeth can get her cabin are prepared to go on patrol after breakfast, just know they'll probably hate it" I said, which got a laugh surprisingly.

"Alright, but you know they are going to want you to join them" She said, and I just nodded

I quickly ate breakfast, and went to go get Annabeth and her cabin to join the patrol, which they, not including Annabeth, reluctantly did.

Time skip to lunch 

Boarder patrol was so incredibly boring, and Annabeth agreed on that, because the only problem was two hell hounds prodding the shield carefully, but there was no other action. So when everyone broke off for lunch only, only to hear the monster warning system go off moments later, well you can imagine how that was.

The Athena kids minus Annabeth again just sat and continued to eat, as Annabeth, the Ares cabin, and myself ran off to go and fight whatever thought it was a good idea to disturb camp at this hour.

Running up the hill we were confronted with not one Colchis bull, but both of the not so little shits. One would be no problem, but two don't get me started on it. You know what next time I see Hephaestus I'm going to ask him what in the name of his uncle Hades was he thinking when he made two bronze bodied-silver horned-fire breathing bulls.

Clarisse got Annabeth to reluctantly join her in the phalanx formation her and her siblings were forming. When I being annoyed at their appearance rushed forwards and opened up my shield, which sprang to life and scared the bulls off back to the top of the hill. Which is when Clarisse ordered the Phalanx to march forwards. 

Does she not realize that if they split up her phalanx is screwed, I question myself. Seeing that, I try to get the attention of one of the Colchis bulls by throwing my throwing knives at one.

Good news it worked, bad news it worked too well and now I got both of them after me. "Clarisse Annabeth, now what be a good time to get the attention off me from one of these damned bulls" I shouted at them.

Which thankfully they registered that I needed the help and got one of the Colchis bulls to focus on them. Which let me think of ways that they could be defeated. I remember some lessons with mom about them, saying that they were made not born so that meant they didn't really have the standard organs to kill, and that most arrows will just bounce off the bronze body. 

So that left me without my arrows and knives, as they would either bounce off or not sink deep enough to do damage, but do serve as an excellent way to piss them off, as I just got blasted by fire from the one I threw my throwing knives at earlier. 

The fire, well still hurts to take but like before thank you Auntie Hestia, as with out your blessing I would have been a well done Percy twice now. The face the bull made after seeing I was still alive after getting blasted by fire though was hilarious, and I almost fell over laughing from which I'm sure if I did the horns or hooves would have killed me. 

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