Chapter 27

501 21 26

*Y/N pov

"so you said you only teasing her?" He asked me with arm crossed.

"Y-yeah hyung i am" i said to him, right now i am kneeling in front of him with my hands up, minju and woozi are watching me from behind scoups, it was a pretty embarrasing to let minju saw me like this, but i'm not brave enough to complain to scoups hyung.

"Is he saying the truth minju?"

"He is coups oppa, can you now just let him go??

"Get up, you're lucky today Kim Y/N, once i caught you like this again, i'll make sure to scold you three days straight" i gulped after he said that, because i know he's not lying when he said that "understand?"

"Yes, hyung" he go away and sit on the sofa, i finally can sighed in relief after escaping from the possible hell, minju slowly goes to me while woozi hyung goes to my work table.

"Oppa..... Are you ok?" She asked me quietly.

"Minju-ya, i just escpaing hell, can you believe that???"

"Yahhh!!! I can hear you, do you want to get into more problem??" Scoups hyung threatened me i quickly shaked my hands and apologize to him.

"Y/N come here i need your help with this" woozi hyung called me while doing his work.

"Minju-ya, you should eat again, i'll help woozi hyung for a little bit and i'll join you"

"I will wait for you oppa" she said before sitting on the sofa beside scoups hyung i take a chair and sit beside woozi hyung to see what he need.

"What's wrong hyung?" I asked woozi hyung.

"I need you to help with the melody of this song, i can't find the right one since last night"

"Ok, let's see"

Me and woozi hyung start working together while minju and scoups hyung can be seen talking with each others, after working for a while we finally find the right solution, i decided to continue eating with minju and order more food for woozi hyung and coups hyung.

"I heard from Y/N, you're sick recently minju" woozi hyung asked while eating his food.

"I am oppa i think i overworked myself, thankfully Y/N oppa is there to take care of me" she explained to woozi hyung.

"I know, you're Y/N girlfriend's but you shouldn't copy his bad habit" scoups hyung said making all them laugh except me.

"What??? I never overworked myself" i got a full glare from all of them right after i said it "what?? Did i say something wrong?"

"Please Y/N, you're the epitome of overworked itself" scoups hyung said and minju and woozi hyung nodded their head to what he said

"I'm not hyung, right minju-ya" i asked minju trying to gain a support from her.

"He's right oppa, if someone asked me about overworked you will the first one that popped up in my mind" she unexpectedly not taking my side.

"Hmphhh... No one take my side, even my girlfriend" i sulked, minju is now trying to make me cheered up.

"Hahahaha you guys are so cute" woozi hyung told us.

"They really are" scoups hyung added up "ohhh yeah Y/N, how is sejeong doing? Is she fine?"

"She's hyung, why did you asked? Do you have any feeling to her?"

"Maybe" He answered, not denying nor accepting what i asked.

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