Chapter 37

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*Y/N pov

It's only a day away before the new year eve. Thing have changed a little bit for me, while for izone and minju there's still nothing much that happen for they, they still haven't got any news about their future yet from the company, and because of that minju keep coming to my dorm just like now.

Right now i'm just alone on my dorm with minju after my members go to practice while jeonghan hyung and scoups hyung are receiving his treatment.

"Oppa what do you want to eat?" Minju asked me from the kitchen, she's now are preparing lunch for us.

"Ramyeon" i answered shortly while walking to the dining table, but minju doesn't look happy with my choice.

"Not ramyeon again, you just ate that yesterday. Choose other food oppa, i'll make it for you"

"Then beef barbeques" i jokingly said to her.

"Ya!!! Oppa i'm serious right now" she comes to me with a ladle on her hand, i instinctively raise my hand to block her.

"Hahahaha, don't hit me please. Sorry minju it always fun to tease you" she pouted so hard before she go back to the kitchen while stomping her feet like a little kid "what about fried rice minju? Is that ok?"

"Sure, i can make that just wait oppa" she then rolled her sleeves up and started making my food, i get a good view of her and i can't help but to fall into her charm, her back look with her hair in ponytail with the apron on her wrist makes me start imagining if that will happen in the future when we marry each other.

Minju is there anything you're not perfect with? If i can i'll marry you right at this moment. I can't just let go of such a perfect girl like you

I thought inside my head while still observing the beautiful girl in front of me that is cooking while humming cutely. I decided to go to her and give her a bear hug, which manage to startled her.

"Minju-ya, you know that i love you so much right?" I said to her with my chin pressed on her shoulder.

"Of course i know oppa, you always treat me with so much love, why suddenly you asked that oppa?"

"Just because....." i was gonna said something more but i decided to not say it for now.

"You hide something from me right oppa?" She stopped cooking and now averted her attention to me.

"I'm not minju, i don't have anything that i hide from you"

"Really?" She asked still have doubted over me.

"Yes really" I said to assure her "anyway are you going to serve me with a fried rice or a black rice?" She looked back to the fried rice she's making which already turned black, really really black.

"Nonono this is bad!!!!" She get panic after she look at the fried rice she make that already burned. I just giggled watching her look so panic "Oppaaaa, it's because of you. Go back to your seat" i do as she said and go back to my seat and play with my phone.

"Oppa here comes the fried rice" she said and put the plate of the new fried rice in front of me, before she sit beside me with another plate of it for her.

"Heart shape?" She smiled at me with her signature smile.

"Yes heart just like my love for you"

"Hahaha cheesy, i wonder if this delicious" i jokingly said while taking a bite of it.

"Of course it is, i put all my heart into it oppa"

"Hmmm.... It turns out you're not lying minju, this is sooooo delicious" i emphasized on the so, hearing what i said she smiled from ear to ear.

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