Chapter 45

447 22 18

*Scoups pov

"Hyung should we go to Y/N? It's been a while since we saw him" wonwoo asked me. We are now just coming back after we finish our schedule with jeonghan but he's fast asleep on the back seat.

"Don't need to wonwoo, he might be in the dorm now, you have seen the statement right?"

"I have hyung, also his song, i'm a little bit worried to be honest hyung, the comment section is full of hate comments" wonwoo said with worries on his voice and also face.

"Me too, let's go home to see him" i drive towards our dorm, midway i got a call from sejeong so i pull aside to accept her call.

"Hello sejeong-ah, what's wrong?"

"O-oppa...." I heard her crying, i started to get worry because she rarely cry and when she does i know something bad gonna happen.

"Ya Sejeong-ah why are you crying? I'll help you"

"Oppa, it's Y/N, i think he's on something bad"

"What do yo mean sejeong?"

"He c-called me e-earlier a-and said s-something about g-goodbye and r-refer himself a-as burden, the l-last things h-he said is h-he will be gone, i was g-gonna asked him b-but he ended t-the call" what she told me makes feel so scared, but i tried to stay calm at least for her.

"Okok sejeong-ah i want you to calm down for now, i will check on him i'll tell you about it later" i tried to calm her.

"O-ok oppa" Sejeong then ended the call, i tried my best to drive there as fast as i can but the traffic is so bad.

"Shit this is bad" i punch the stirring wheel in frustration.

"What's wrong coups?" Jeonghan asked me, i guess he woke up because of me.

"It's Y/N, i think he might committed suicide" i explained to him, he immediately regain his consciousness back and look shocked, the same also goes for wonwoo.

"What do you mean hyung?"

"I'll tell you later, now we need to find him as fast as we can but this damn traffic is not helping"

Y/N don't do anything stupid please


We finally arrive on our dorm building, i quickly park my car before i go to our dorm, we used the stairs because the lift took longer to arrive on the bottom floor, when i arrive i quickly put our door password in, and immediately go inside our dorm. Once we're inside i saw shoes inside.

"He's here, search everywhere jeonghan wonwoo" I ordered them, we then search on different places, i search the kitchen first, when i walk there i accidentally stepped on something that seems a little bit thick, i scrouch down to touch it and notice that it is a blood. What i see next is really terrifying i saw Y/N already laying on the ground with his wrist sliced and blood keep dripping from it, his face already start to lost it's color and his body start to get cold, i quickly go to him to check on his condition.

"Ya Y/N answer me!! Nonono Y/N it can't be happening" i tried to feel his pulse and luckily i found it even if it's weak "ya wonwoo get the car ready, jeonghan help me here"

"What's wrong hy-" wonwoo was gonna asked me until he saw Y/N "what happen to him hyung?"

"Just get the car ready wonwoo" wonwoo nodded his head and quickly go out from the dorm to prepare the car for us.

"Jeonghan help me stop the bleeeding for now" jeonghan then immediately do everything he can to help stop the bleeding.

"Done coups-ah, i don't know if it will works but it will stop the bleeding for a little bit"

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