Chapter 52

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*Minju pov

"Thank you very much!" We thanked all the staffs who helped us doing this concert.

"You girls did great, thank you for doing your best" one of the staff said to us, the other then followed behind and give us applause, we then take photos together before me and the other izone members go back to our waiting room to get ready to go home.

"We did it unnie, it's sad that we can't meet wizone but we finally finish our concert" wonyoung said to us. Everyone them start talking about the concert and what can we improve, but i decided to check on my phone to see if Y/N oppa already replied.

Please let there be a reply from him

I thought inside my head. I turn on my phone and open the messenger apps and click on Y/N oppa contact name, but there's still no reply from him heck he hasn't even online today which is really weird for me. Thoughts of possible bad things that might occur to him start filling my head, it makes me so worried.

"Minju, what happen? why do you look so worried? Is there anything wrong?" Nako asked me with a concerned look, she then sit beside me.

"Nako-ya, Y/N oppa hasn't reply to my text yet, it's been hours now since i sent him my message. He usually have reply to me around this time" i explained to her and show her my last chat that i sent to him hours ago before we start the concert.

"It's ok minju, Y/N oppa will be ok" nako said to assure me.

"What's wrong nako? Why minju look so worried?" Hitomi and Yuri also come up to me, the whole 01 group are looking at me with a concerned look on their face.

"It's Y/N oppa yuri. He hasn't reply to minju messages yet, she got so worried because of that"

"Really? I'll tell eunbi unnie about this" hitomi then leave to call eunbi unnie while yuri join nako and sit on my other side to assure me.

"Nako, what if something bad happen to him? He's body already become weaker, i'm afraid this will turn out really bad" i said to her with so much emotion that i can't hold anymore, i'm so worried of him that there's no positive thoughts inside my head.

"Don't worry minju Y/N oppa is strong, even if something really did happen i believe he'll get through it"

"Minju do you want to go to Y/N oppa?" Yuri asked me.

"I do yuri, i need to know what happen to him" i answered her without any hesitation.

"Minju-ya i bring eunbi unnie here" hitomi comeback with eunbi unnie behind her. Upon seeing me eunbi unnie immediately kneeled down in front of me with a concerned look on her face.

"Minju, are you ok?"

"I'm not unnie i'm so worried of Y/N oppa, i feel like something bad have happened to him. Look he hasn't even reply to my messages, it's been more than 2 hours unnie" i said to her, my tears already falling off from my eyes and rolled down to my eyes.

"Hey it's ok minju" she said and immediately engulfed me into her hug to calm me down "I'll ask Jia unnie to drive you there after this, calm down a little bit okey"

"Yes unnie" i said to her, eunbi unnie then leave to call jia unnie. Not long after the two of them come and jia unnie immediately go to me.

"Ok minju i heard what happen from eunbi. Don't worry i'll bring you to Y/N, but you have to wait until we finish everything here, understand?" Jia unnie said to me.

"Yes unnie, thank you" i answered her, to be honest i wanted to just go to there already, but i know that she won't let me do that.

"No problem, you can stay here for now until you calm down. Nako yuri hitomi i'll leave her on your hand, i still need to take care of the others"

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