Chapter 36

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*Mingyu pov

Our performance finally going to an end, everything seem like it going well except for Y/N, he seems to struggle a lot throughout the performance, his movement seems to always get late or out of sync and when it is his part to sing he seems to struggle a lot.

We were now just posing for the ending pose, we remain like this until the light turned off but suddenly i felt a hand grabbing my shoulder, i look at who did it and it turned out is Y/N who looks in a very bad condition. He breathed so hard and sweet a lot more than usual not to mention that his face is scrunching like he is in a lot of pain.

"Hyung..... Let me..... Use your shoulder......" I heard him saying to me with so much difficulties, i slightly nodded my head before focusing back to the camera. Finally the light is off i immediately check on Y/N's condition.

"Y/N you ok?" I asked him but before he answer me he already collapsed, i catch him before his body can hit the stage "Ya Y/N are you ok? Answer me please" i tried to talk with him but there's no use, his keeps breathing heavily and he's face look in a lot of pain, without further thingking i carried his body and go as fast as i can to the back stage so he can get a treatment "help please, Y/N is having trouble breathing" the medics immediately checked on him before putting the oxygen mask on him, i'm so concerned right now but thankfully his breathing start to get back to normal.

"Mingyu what happen to Y/N? Is he ok?" Jeonghan hyung immediately come to me and the others are behind him.

"I don't know hyung he suddenly collapsed, he looks like he can't breath properly, i quickly bring him here to get some help"

"Good job, now i'll go there to check on his condition you guys can go to the waiting room first" he tapped my shoulder before leaving to Y/N, me and the others do as he said and go to the waiting room with an anxious feeling, not long after Jeonghan hyung comeback alone.

"Where is Y/N hyung?" Dino asked him right after Jeonghan hyung come inside.

"We decided to bring him back to the dorm, he's condition has worsened a lot, we have to continue with the 11 of us" Jeonghan hyung said while changing his outfit, the entire room atmosphere become more gloomy after Scoups hyung hiatus Y/N also joined him too "guys listen, we still need to do the rest of the award show, I know you are worried about Y/N, but we need to stay professional and not to show it to the fans, understand?" We all nodded our head and go back to the vanue without Y/N.

Meanwhile there's also another person who look so worried after watching what happen through the tv.

*Minju pov

"Minju-ya it's ok, Y/N is strong don't get too worried" mother said to calm me up. We were just watching Y/N oppa performance on MAMA when we noticed that he doesn't look very well, and we can see that he collapsed right after the light off, looking at him like that make me so worried.

"How can i stay calm mother, my boyfriend just collapsed out of nowhere, i can't just stay here and act like nothing is wrong" i feel like crying just thinking about him on that state.

"It's ok minju it's ok, i believe Y/N will be, ok have some faith on him" mother hug me and give some strokes on my back to calm me.

"Unnie seventeen is coming back" minji said to me, i quickly averted my focus back to the tv to look if Y/N oppa is ok, but to make it worse seventeen are coming back without him.

"That's it, i will go to his dorm to check on his condition" i got up from my seat and quickly take my belongings to go to Y/N oppa, but mother stop me from doing that

"Minju-ya, it's already night, you can't do that right now, we'll bring you to him tomorrow, let him rest for tonight" mother said while grabbing my shoulder and look at me with a pleading eyes, looking at her like that i decided to just do what she asked, but i can't watch the award show again so i go to my room, and throw my body to my bed. I open my phone only to get more worried about Y/N oppa after watching his face on my phone background

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