REASON 03 || He is arrogant and rude ||

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Fai her eyes meet those of her best friend again. Amy seems to be really interested in her story, but she cannot really understand why. It is not that interesting if you ask Fai. "Wait, that's it? You seriously just walked away?" Amy asks once she notices that Fai stopped talking. "He didn't follow you or something like that? He didn't grab your hand to stop you and talk with you?"

Fai shakes her head. "No, those kinds of things only happen in fanfictions, this is the real-life Amy. Those kinds of things don't actually happen in this world" Fai sighs. "No, no, no, I am not okay with this! You guys must have talked once! There needs to be more to this story." Amy makes fists of her hands and slams them on the table, something she does whenever she is really into something. "Tell me more. I am not digging this; you are not telling me everything there is to the story. You are keeping secrets and you know I do not like that. I have a little feeling that you do like his tattoos and piercings. I can see the way your eyes lit up when you were talking about them, your smile says enough." Amy crosses her arms. "That did not happen! Amy, you are such a dreamer. Stop creating your own story." Fai looks around for a moment, she thought her order would have arrived by now but the guy who took her order still did not give them their food. It is pretty crowded by the counter so it will probably take a little longer.

"Wait, don't we need to order anything? We have been sitting here talking for quite some time already." Amy laughs, she almost forgot she actually came here to get some coffee in the first place. "Don't worry, I already ordered. It will be here any minute." Fai smiles, she thinks it is funny how her friend forgets about everything once she is excited about one thing. Funny but in this case also really annoying. "Oh that's great, I am actually starting to get a bit thirsty." Amy admits. "But in the meantime, you can tell me another one of your reasons." a big smile creeps up her face again. "Amy!" Fai cannot believe her ears, did her friend seriously ask for yet another reason?

"What?" Amy innocently puts up her hands in the air. "We have to wait for our drinks anyways. And I still am not satisfied with the reasons you told me so far." She looks at Fai with a pout. The brown-haired rolls her eyes. "You are just going to force me to tell you the whole story, aren't you?"
"I just want to know what you have been doing the past couple of weeks. I am interested in your life, you know." Amy folds her hands together again. "So tell me, what is the third reason?" She moves her eyebrows up and down in a funny way, making Fai laugh softly.

Fai puts a strand of hair behind her ear before she answers Amy her question. "Reason three of why I don't like him is because he is rude and arrogant. I don't like someone who is thinking only about himself, someone who thinks he is perfect and who doesn't pay any attention to the feelings of others." Fai explains. Amy raises an eyebrow. "Is he that arrogant?"
"Let me tell you a story to answer that question." Fai grabs Amy her hands and squeezes them softly before she starts telling her next story.

With a frown Fai looks up from her phone. She was supposed to meet up with her friends at two, but it is already fifteen minutes later and no one showed up yet. "This is really strange. Normally they would have been here already." she mumbles, once again looking on her phone to see if she didn't miss any messages or calls. "It is not possible that all three of them forgot about it. Yuri even texted me this morning that she was on her way." A weird feeling creeps up in Fai her stomach, the idea that something may have happened to her friends flashes through her mind but she quickly shakes it out of her head.

"No that's not it, they are probably just late. I should not think too much about it, it is just a coincidence all three of them are late." Fai mumbles, but the second she decides to think about something else, her phone starts vibrating. She quickly grabs her phone and sees that it is Yuri who is calling her. Fai answers the phone. "Yuri, what's up? Where are you?" she asks.

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