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The day has come. France against Germany, ready for their first game for the tournament.

I was already on my seat at the stadium with Viktorija next to me sipping on a beer.

We were waiting for the only two other people that I know here, Hazel and Aurora.

" Why you didn't say a word to me, that you are engaged!?"

I heard Hazel, who was struggling to get to me, pushing people left and right to make some space and Aurora carrying tons of snacks right behind her.

Vika gave me the ' spill the tea' look and turned her attention back to the players, warming up on the pitch.

" If it will make you feel better, I haven't told anyone."

" You haven't but Lucas has big mouth and told the whole team. Turn out half of them don't know you exist."

She handed me over a chocolate bar and sat on my left next to our Russian friend.

" He proposed like two months ago on my birthday. We have barely planned anything. The only thing I know for sure is that you are all invited."

" Good. Not like I wouldn't come uninvited."

" We know you would do that Hazel."


" Does my brother know you are here?"

Aurora asked during half time, while the rest went to get some more snacks and drinks.

" I think he doesn't. Why?"

" I just wonder how he would react. You guys didn't end up things pretty and now you are marrying his teammate."

What she said is something I haven't think of at all. Should I tell him, before someone else do it?

As far as I know, he is married and should have moved on by now.

" He probably doesn't care anymore, Aurora."

Both teams are out of the tunnel now, ready for the next forty-five minutes that will decide the winner.

Antoine searched for me for a second, but when he saw me he sent me a kiss.

Next to him stood a tall figure, that turns around to see who his friend is waving at.

My breath hitched in my throat, when I saw him. And I can understand by the look on his face, he didn't expect to see me here.

My ex boyfriend now knows, that I am the girl, that the man next to him will marry soon.

"Looks like he found out Attie. You can't hide anymore."


Back on the pitch, Olivier was ready to fight for every inch of the field. A draw wasn't enough. Is never enough.

" Who are you waving at?"

" Look up, next to your sister. This is my girlfriend."

The sight of her, sitting up in the stands, kicked the air out of his lungs. It was her. The blonde girl he never forgot. Athena looked the same way he remembers her. Long blonde hair, soft smile and piercing eyes.

She was his first love and the one that never left his mind.

And she was marrying one of his closest friends.

This only motivated him more. He had to win this game. For her.

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