your name in their phone + why.

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kim hongjoong:

kim hongjoong:

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little minion.

you both are the minion couple, people call you the minion couple because of your height.
since his name is big minion, calling you little minion would be perfect.
plus, calling you that will give him a sense of protectiveness over you and will always be your little inside joke.

park seonghwa:

park seonghwa:

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you and Seonghwa are known as the most romantic couple.
he would want to name you something romantic as well as elegant, being the gentleman he is.

jeong yunho:

jeong yunho:

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teddy bear.

there is no joke when I say this guy is tall.
that guy is a giraffe.
anyways! he would name you teddy bear since he would find you cute and small when you guys cuddle.
he would lovingly tease you about your height and mess about with you.
which is why your contact name is teddy bear.

kang yeosang:

annoying prick

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annoying prick.

now, knowing how blunt and sarcastic yeosang I have to explain?


choi san:

choi san:

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this one was kinda hard as well.

san would just be straightforward and call it how it is.
of course he would make a slight flirty remark when you bring up the question of your name in his phone.
but, he truly adores you and the word beautiful just make him smile.
so, whenever you bring this topic up, just prepare yourself for a flirty joke and a hug full of kisses.

song mingi:

song mingi:

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I think this would occur from something silly or playful happened.
you probably did something which made him call you that and has always been you guys's little inside joke from then.
so he would name your contact based off an inside joke you guys made.


jung wooyoung:

jung wooyoung:

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as much as playful and cheeky woo young is, I think be would prefer having an elegant and old fashioned name.
he loves calling you jagiya wherever you guys are, and it really brings a smile to you.
he loves the little nickname himself and kinda holds a special place in his heart.

choi jongho:

—choi jongho:

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this was kinda hard as well.
not sure really, it just sounds very appealing.
he would probably call you jagiya every now and then like wooyoung but he likes the word precious more.
his voice while saying it would sound very soothing in itself and you both love the way it sounds, so why not make it your contact name?

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