them hitting you.

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CONTEXT: they accidentally hit you in an argument.


I do not condone hitting your partner in whatever circumstance.
never do that.

requested by: plebier-than-plebs


Kim Hongjoong:

♡︎you guys had been arguing about how he doesn't get any sleep and how he never gives himself a break.

♡︎it reached the point where you guys were at each other's throats.

♡︎his hand connected to your cheek.

♡︎he couldn't even process it.
he saw the red mark against your cheek and just stood there.

♡︎you got up, teary eyed, and walked off.
leaving him crying in the kitchen, with the walls closing in on him, losing his mind.


Park Seonghwa:

♡︎he's been quite nasty to you for a while.
always snappy and coming home in a bad mood.
at first you tried to sympathise but then it got too much.

♡︎you brought it up, which at first, he ignored you.
then you started to raise your voice and here you are now.
in an argument with him.

♡︎seonghwa looked pissed.
spitting hateful shit at you, rolling his eyes continuously.
you returned the favour until you felt pressure on your right cheek.

♡︎you fell back, shocked at what just happened.
so was he.
you pushed past him storming out the door, leaving seonghwa scrambling after you.

♡︎but it was too late, you was gone and he was devastated.


Jeong Yunho:

♡︎yunho had been acting suspicious.
not answering calls, ignoring you and just a bit distant overall.
maybe you thought it was because of work ?
but you had doubts.

♡︎you decided to start up the conversation to him, however you did not expect the harsh response back.
you replied with a sarcastic comment which resulted you here now.


♡︎the frustration levels slowly rises as you guy shouted at each other.
yunho couldn't take it anymore, and slapped you.

♡︎he looked at his hands and looked at you.
his mouth hanging open.
you laughed bitterly and walked upstairs, before saying words that would haunt him forever.

♡︎then you left him, standing there alone in the dark.


Kang Yeosang:

♡︎whenever you started up a conversation with yeosang; he would be quite snappy or answer in a brusque way.

♡︎you pondered what to say to him, but you never thought you would've ended up in a position like this.

♡︎it's been 30 minutes and nothing has been accomplished, you guys were still arguing and nothing was getting done.

♡︎that was until he slapped you.
in no way did you expect that.
you scoffed, shocked that he did that and that you didn't feel safe in his presence anymore.

♡︎he was pleading for you not to leave but they didn't register properly, leaving you walking out the door and him being a mess on the floor.


Choi San:

♡︎this had been the 4th argument of the week, for the most pettiest reasons.
half of them didn't even make sense.
but here you are again.

♡︎you guys had been arguing for A G E S.
insults thrown around but you never would've expected fists as well.

♡︎but that's what happened, you getting slapped and onto the floor.
you immediately started crying, slowly moving backwards away from him.

♡︎he tried to comfort you, but you was screaming for him to "get away" from you.
you eventually took up all your courage and went to your shared bedroom.

♡︎leaving him crying his eyes out on the floor.


so, wattpad did not save mingi, wooyoung or jongho's story.
i really have no more energy to re do them again.

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