when you get into a fight with someone.

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____want to 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗲𝗱?
𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗿 𝗻𝗼?



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Kim Hongjoong-

-i feel like he wouldn't expect it.

-like he would be with the boys in the corridor, and someone would be running up to him that your in a fight.

-because your not really an sociable/ loud person he wouldn't see it coming.

-would he be kinda disappointed? yes.

-but would he be rooting for you in general? of course.

-but just know that you are going to get scolded by him after the fight.

Park Seonghwa-

-would be like hongjoong but more mom version. yknow ?

-like hongjoong he wouldn't see it coming.

-he would walk into you beating that bitch up.

-as you should. ^^

-after a while he would try and break it up.

-he would be concerned, like if you got any injuries but he wouldn't really scold you.

-he would just give a little bit of some encouragement and advice.

Jeong Yunho-

-personal hype man of course.

-he would actually know about your problem with the girl before hand.

-and he would encourage you fight her, even if you get in trouble.

-so when it happens there is no way that he's going to break it up.

-after all, that bitch deserved it.

Kang Yeosang-

-he would be SCARED.

-like, you guys would be walking into the cafeteria and sit down next to the boys.

-and the next, some girl walks up to you and you hit her.

-and then a fight breaks out, obviously.

-but this guy wouldn't know what to do.

-he would be trying to protect himself, as well as break it up.

-after he would have to process everything and talk to you.

-but for now he's shaken up.

Choi San-

-this guy would kinda expect it in a way?

-but then he would be shocked that you can fight that well.

-he would be rooting for you, but if it got out of control he would break it up.

-would be concerned about the aftermath though.

-doesn't want you to get in trouble.

-he would hate that girl for he rest of the school year and would always insult her subtlety.

Song Mingi-

-he would be scared like Yeosang too.

-but not for that long.

-he would start shouting things you should do and start rooting for you.

-but when it all got out of hand that's when he snapped back into reality.

-he would drag you off her and carry you to the next room.

-even though he wouldn't know what to do to calm you down, he would.


Jung Wooyoung-

-i'm surprised if this guy doesn't jump in the fight.

-i feel like you guys would plan it together.

-like partners in crime, yknow ?

-like he would be shouting and making a scene out of it.

-he would even try and help in a way.

-but then you guys end up in the principal's office.

-no regrets though.

Choi Jongho-

-he would automatically try and break it up.

-he would be scared for you to get in trouble.

-the poor guy would get hit trying to break it up though.

-but he would pull you out eventually.

-you guys would talk later, but he would understand it from your point of view.

-in the end he would want to fight her too. but you guys just end up going to the park later or something.

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