them as your roomate.

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____want to 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗲𝗱?
𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗿 𝗻𝗼?



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Kim Hongjoong:

-he stays up.

-a total fashionista, helps make you outfits.

-you guys never cook, so you just order take out.

-you guys are the ones with the most elite music taste.

-both compose music together.


Park Seonghwa:

-the HOT one.

-however, he's really soft and like cute.

-he's like the mother type roommate?

-loves cleaning up the house.

-helps you with any problems, he's like your tutor as well.


Jeong Yunho:

-cuddly bear roommate.

-you guys have movie nights every tuesday.

-he pesters you a lot.

-loves getting you annoyed for some reason, gets all giggly when you get mad.

-you guys both fail your classes together.


Kang Yeosang:

-nerdy type roommate.

-however, i think he would be a skater roommate as well ?

-flys his drone around the house.

-even drops off some surprises when you studying.

-of course he flew his drone to do that. ;)

-randomly dances around the house.


Choi San:

-he's so cheeky.

-like this guy randomly flirts with you to make you flustered.

-he LOVES making you blush.

-he really cares for you though.

-never goes over the limit and checks up on you to see if your comfortable.


Song Mingi:

-very bouncy

-the conversations you guys have are so random

-this guy is very cute

-random rap battles in the house

-him nearly burning down the kitchen from attempting to make a breakfast

-tried to prank you but you already find
out his plans.


Jung Wooyoung:

-this little prick

-he's really mischievous but very clingy.

-he can be annoying at times but you cherish him

-this house will never be quiet.

-always has the guys over.


Choi Jongho:

-makes morning juices for you

-you guys always arm wrestle

-random karaoke sessions

-you have to wake him up because he's such a deep sleeper.

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