you ignoring them.

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CONTEXT: you are not speaking to them.
requested by: @Ilovekpopff


Kim Hongjoong:

♡︎he shrugged it off, he knows it's not a big of a deal.

♡︎the whole reason was because he didn't laugh at your joke.

but it just wasn't funny..

♡︎he tried cheering you up, doing cute little stuff and trying to hug you but it all failed.
he wouldn't really mind though, peace and quiet from your loud ass.

♡︎but in the end it would result to him whining for attention, and him receiving it.

as he should.


Park Seonghwa:

♡︎he was amused to say the least.
he wanted to see how long you'll play this "game".

♡︎this was all because he didn't give you good morning kisses.

♡︎he started teasing you, going along with your little game.
which didn't last for long, and ended up you being at his feet. least you tried.


Jeong Yunho:

♡︎he was a bit sad.
he was attention deprived from then.

all because he ate your food.

♡︎he apologised and did everything you wanted , but that wasn't enough.  :((
he tried everything: dancing, smiling at you, cuddling you.

♡︎nothing worked.
he gave up in the end.
walking slowly to your bedroom, falling on the bed.



Kang Yeosang:

♡︎was this a miracle?
you finally had stop talking!!
when he got the idea of your game, he started happily dancing.

"finally a little bit of peace and quiet"
"how are you babe? oh yeah sorry forgot you can't speak!!" :)

♡︎this petty little shit.
you couldn't accept the fact he wasn't even sad about this, it frustrated you.

in the end you gave up.

"oh hi babe! you can speak? oh..."


Choi San:

♡︎this pouty little boy.
we all know he is already clingy as fuck and you ignoring him made him go batshit crazy.

♡︎he wouldn't know what to do and ended up calling wooyoung for advice.
however, during this little "break' he found out a lot of things about himself.

♡︎but it got to a point where he started screaming in a corner because he couldn't take it anymore.

♡︎which resulted in you HAVING to give him attention.

well that's one way to get what you want.


Song Mingi:

♡︎he found it HILARIOUS, at first.

♡︎he was wheezing, hardly breathing because of him laughing.

♡︎that was until he got bored.
he didn't know what to do.
he realised he did everything with you.
he wondered about about life, really in reaching into his third eye.

♡︎okay i'm just playing, but he was for real bored.

♡︎it ended up in him ticking you, pleading for him to stop and you guys cuddling in the end.


Jung Wooyoung:

♡︎this "game" with him would not last long.

♡︎this little shit would end up annoying the fucking sound out of you.
poking you, tickling you, screaming in your ear, anything.

♡︎obviously you would've had to give in with this guy.

♡︎he would never of stopped, he was literally determined to piss you off so much, you would speak.

and it worked.

love that.


Choi Jongho:

♡︎he wouldn't know how to act.

♡︎enjoy this free time or get your girlfriend back!

♡︎obviously he chose enjoying his free time, duh.
what did you expect?

♡︎like yeosang he would treasure this opportunity.
he found it amusing and cute that you were pouting over a little thing.

♡︎to be honest, like seonghwa the "game" wouldn't last long.

♡︎you would be back by him in like an hour or two.
making him laugh.

so well for that "free time."

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