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Hi! I'm just a simple otaku who has fallen into the rabbit hole, but first, let me introduce myself, Oh, I have already done that! Sorry! Just letting you all know, English is not my primary Language and this is my second story you can say!

I will update frequently! But if l have something important like an exam or something urgent , I will let you guys know, I promise! I am not sure, if this story will not be completed or not!
But Giving me suggestions and advices is truly appreciated, I promise, I will read it all and try to improve it as you guy say!

Quick Reminder: I think you guys will know, I am not the type who writes harem or something, I mainly focus on 1 character. Even if l feel like it, I always add something to spice things up! And, I am still a novice in writing story and using verbs and stuffs! So I am really sorry for that!

Lastly I really hope , you guys will enjoy the story and if I make your day at least a little bit better, I will be really happy! Even if you guys don't like it, You guys can give me suggestions in the comments,

Special shoutout to the guys who keep supporting even though I am dead for a while, maybe a bit longer than a while! Anyways I am sure that we will get along well and pls go easy on me! So lets get into the story!

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