Growing Up With Her Feels Like.....!

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Right Now, Y/N feels as if that Growing up with Aqua is not a bad thing but he is feeling like a Lolicon or something like that,

He may be the same age as Aqua, he is physically 10 years old, however he is mentally 28 years old! but He's not complaining about that!

unlike his past life, he wasn't blessed with a caring family, his father being a drunkard and his step-mom with a gambling addiction and he is living with his stepmother!

His mother died after giving birth to him. Well, as of right now, he is not on good terms with neither his father nor stepmother! His stepmother side, she has a daughter which was younger than him, He tried to be on good terms with her but She was afraid of him and runs away whenever she sees him!

His stepmother is never home and his dad never came back until it's 1 or 2am! He has always tried his best to take care of himself and his sister! Even though his sister may not be that open to him, he's always taking care of her, together with cooking the food, cleaning and doing laundry, but as a 10 year old, handling the kitchen is not an ideal thing any 10 year old should be doing!

(Do you guys know who will it be? Lets Bet) (Don't Peek)

But even if his sister is too shy to even to approach him, he always ended up leaving her food in front of her room, and knocks the door when food's ready,

His little sister is only 9 years old but because of bad experiences, she also ends up staying alone! As Y/N who understands her emotions similarly to his past life. He decides to treat her with kindness and compassion! No one will it believe if someone says "a 10 year old is taking care of the house!"

With the savings he got from his dad who rarely comes back home early, and worse, his stepmother who is barely comes home is never coming back! As they grow, they grew a bit closer together, to the point where she started helping her brother!

Sometimes, Y/N tries to talk to her but, to no avail, still receives barely any replies from her, their conversation always ends up with her head nodding or Shaking!

Now as of today, when Y/N was preparing to get ready for school, he forgot about his food and ended up leaving it behind in the house! After leaving the house, he started walking to school! when his sister got out of her room to get food, she immediately found that bento that her brother left behind!

She immediately thought about his poor brother starving! and didn't know what to do! After some thinking, she decided follow behind him to deliver his bento!

"Wait isn't this is Onii-Chan's bento! Wait a sec, did he forgot about it...."

She hesitated to go outside but remembered the kindness shown by her brother, she decided to quickly follow him and swiftly left the house, she tried run to the school but unfortunately, she doesn't know the location of Y/N's school!

after some time was spent searching and asking for directions, She finally knew where he has gone to,

As Y/N is walking to school, He found Aqua and joined her along the way, to which, she greeted him and Y/N tried his best to ignore her! As they were chatting while walking to school. Y/N's sister saw her brother, upon seeing her brother, she ran to him, hoping to give him his bento and wasn't aware about about the road,

Out of nowhere, she was almost hit by a car while she was running to him. As the car is neared her, she screamed and Y/N heard something behind him. His vision went blank and his body reacted instinctively, running as fast as he could, quickly jumping through the road, reaching his sister shouting

"Rushia !!!!!!!!!!" Y/N head hit something and bleed but still able to save his brother!

He pushed her out of the car's way in time, but in turn got lightly rammed by the car but out of worry, he didn't even notice the pain, Y/N ask Rushia if she was okay? being worrying young sister she is, Rushia cried aloud "I almost thought you were going to die because of me!"

Y/N was taken aback, Rushia was talking to him now! "Geez, don't cry okay? Your Onii-Chan is strong so he won't die that easily" As Y/N said that, Rushia started to cry out more " Onii-Chan, Onii-Chan!"

Y/N patted her head and he told Aqua that he will be absent for school today she understood! "Come On, Let go home" As Y/N took Rushia's hand and spent their time together! From that moment on, Rushia opened up more to her brother and he slowly gained her trust!

Even new people who have fallen in rabbit hole knew what I was trying to do, yea, you are right, I said I was going to spice things up! Anyways, Enjoy! I still have sometime after this, I might upload more, I think I will write down more dialogue. Anyways, this is a short chapter about Rushia, See ya guys soon! Did this part just get unpublished by itself? What is happening?

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