All I Ever Need! (Valentine Special)

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"With My Unidentified Feelings for you"
"I will be brave and"
"Send my affection to you"
"Even If you don't notice"
"The feeling That has been hidden inside"

Valentines Day (February 14),  a holiday where lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts. Where love starts to bloom in High School,...On the night of February 13th, a certain girl was preparing chocolate, hoping to give it to a specific someone!

Aqua: Ahh... Why do I keep messing this up!!!! I was sure I followed the recipe carefully! Ahhh....!

As Aqua kept messing up the recipe, She continued whining, however, she will still not give up! Even if cooking is not one of her best elementary skills,

Aqua: Thats it!! I give up!!

Aqua sighed it to herself, not knowing what to do, but after a while she cheered herself up! Getting ready to give it another shot!

Aqua: ( I should be able to easily pull it off, I heard it on T.V that you could make any food delicious if you put love in the food for anyone) Ok! Here goes Nothing!


It was a normal sunny day, Y/N continued his normal routine, not knowing something magical was yet happen on this day! Getting ready for school, He exited the house, noticing Aqua was not there yet!

Y/N: What...! Did she oversleep again! That Girl!!!

Running out of patience, Y/N decided call Aqua through his phone, But someone else other then Aqua picked up, a familiar voice spoke through the phone, which made Y/N as nervous as he could be.

Aqua's Mom: Moshi, Moshi, Calling from Minato resistance! How can l help you?

Y/N: Umm... I am Y/N L/N! Nice To meet you! It's just that Aqua is.....!

When Y/N was introducing himself, And The sentence was cut off by Aqua's Mom's words. Realising her it's her daughter's interest!

Aqua's Mom: Y/N? Oh *Giggle*, Don't Worry, Aqua just stayed up all night for something, Let me just wake her up!

Y/N: Ah Thank You! Miss Minato!

Aqua's Mom: Please don't care about the formality! Anyways, She will be here any second!

Aqua's Mom giggled herself that knowing that Her daughter is now growing up and making some friends. She entered Aqua's Room, She could see how the chocolate was packed with love and with care, sitting on her table, as her mom was looking at the chocolate!

Aqua noticed someone was in her room, which got her up rubbing her eyes! She saw her mom looking at the chocolates she made! "What are you doing in my room Mom!!!!" Shouting loudly and immediately getting out of bed, quickly hiding the chocolate box inside her bag!!

Aqua's Mom: Ah, Nothing Much! It's just your friend, Y/N, he's worried about you not waking up in time for school

Aqua: Wait what! Wasn't it just 7am right now?

Aqua's mind dozed off and took a glance at her clock, it's almost 8 am! Suddenly getting out of bad, took her bag, and dashed into a hallway of the house to quickly wash her face, and grabbed a snack and her bento

When Aqua left her home, She saw Y/N waiting for her patiently! When Y/N noticed her, She waved with a cheerful smile and ran to him! Y/N just sighed to himself and started to walk with Aqua to school!

Y/N: So, Your mom said, you stayed up all night, was there any problems with your studies?

Aqua: Staying Up all night?? (Wait a second, Last Night I made a mess with chocolate cream in the kitchen didn't I? Mom!!!!!)

Y/N: Anything wrong?

Aqua: Nah Nothing much, It's just that there was something I wanted to try!

Y/N: I see! I see!

As morning passed by, Aqua thought to herself, how she will give this to Y/N as a present, wondering what kind of reaction he will make, she looked forward to the great time that she will give him!

As Aqua and Y/N have their own plan planned out, they decided to eat alone for the change of peace during lunch break, Y/N was walking through the Hall Way, Seeing the heart balloons floating outside through the window. In the classroom, Some girls were giving some of the boys chocolates, while some boys were looking at them with jealously!

Y/N: Ah... Valentine eh! Well, as expected, nothing for me!

Y/N just quietly walked through the hallway, he giggled to himself seeing couples sharing chocolates and Some were blushing, what a sight to behold, even though he was a bit lonely without her, He's still happy to see other people smiling!

While Y/N was quietly walking, he noticing something, Sora was giving chocolate to Yagoo, thanking him for everything he has done for her! Yagoo is shed a tear from his eye!

Y/N: Even though I may hate Valentines day in the previous life, seeing other people smiling and sharing their love still warms my heart! I don't know why but seeing them happy makes me happy!

As Y/N was having his lunch at the School compound, Looking at others, while the wind was breezing pass by him, the temperature felt warm enough! He sighed to himself! Sitting on the bench, He could enjoy the quiet, peaceful atmosphere!

But all of a sudden, in Aqua's side, Aqua was watching Y/N from the window, Wondering how she'll give it to him, Sighing to herself, clinging to the wall, looking at the chocolates she made for Y/N, not knowing how to give it to him!

She never thought about this thoroughly enough, and this was her first time wondering how she'll give it to him, Wondering what kind of reaction he would make, yet not even knowing her true feelings for Y/N, She just wants Y/N to be with her side every time, She just wants Y/N to be always by her side, laughing with him everyday, gaming with him, and even talking to him makes her happy!

She wants to keep doing things that she loves and enjoys, She doesn't want to listen to what others would say, she just doesn't care! She only wants someone to be by her side! Someone's appreciation! Through this way, she wants to repay and thank Y/N for always being by her side throughout all the pain she felt no matter what happened! But will he accept this selfish Chocolate?

Aqua: (Even for a moment, I will need to get out of my comfort zone,)

Taking A Deep Breath! She Walked towards him, hiding her chocolate behind her back, slowly approaching him!

Aqua suddenly gave him the chocolate and looked at Y/N with a cheerful face, and immediately said "Thank you for being friends with me, and I hope we can enjoy each other's company!"

Y/N suddenly blushed and was speechless, not knowing what to say! But because of his feelings , he accepted the chocolate with a smile on his face! He was happy that he knew about Aqua's feelings but being friends with her was more than enough for him!

Even though someone may say Valentines is only for lovers, for me it's simply false, to me, if you spend the time with those who are dear to you, it's still valentines day too! Y/N smiled to himself and told Aqua
"Thanks for being great friends with me too!"


I kinda don't have time, to be honest, I still have the last exam, but screw that, today is Valentines day, and You guys are my friends, So happy Valentines to you guys, and hope you could hold the one you loved until the end! Happy Valentines Day Guys!

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