Aqua As My friend?

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Some time has passed, and Y/N feels like he could see the light and felt as if he was alive again, slowly.... and slowly...., he regains his senses and

Eventfully, he was introduced to a world seeing light for the first time!


In an instant and as he cried out loud, Y/N was officially introduced to the world!

After a few years has passed, he was named Y/N! Starting a new life as an infant!

When he reaches 5 or 6, he keeps having dreams about his past life, but slowly and surely reminding him of his past life! He couldn't control his dreams and he feels like he was absorbing the memories into his brain! 18 years worth of memory was being absorbed into a 5-year old child's brain! Making the child overheat! But a miracle happened! He survives getting his memories and senses back!

After for some time, it is time for Y/N to go to school, but at this point, Y/N is truly aware of everything that was happening and memories from his past life!


Aqua Pov

"Today is the day I am starting school, I will be sure to make lots of friends as well!"

As of now, Aqua at 10 years old, started attending school! After the bell rang, a new kid was being introduced in class!

"That boy is looking at me weirdly Maybe it's just my pink hair or something"

The weird boy was assigned to a faraway seat from me by the teacher, he looks a bit disappointed! What? a weird boy? Well, he seems like an interesting person though

Y/N Pov

It has been 10 years since l came into this world, but nothing much has been happening!

"Today is the day I will be attending the school huh, another thing to deal with" as he sighed by himself, as of right now, Y/N have been trying to pretend as a baby as much as possible, in order not to cause a ruckus! Y/N has been wondering about his memories and Past life!

He was really worried about his brother and his parents! The echo from the downstairs came right to Y/N as he was thinking, "Y/N! It's time to go, what are you thinking about?", Y/N became surprised a bit and quickly packed his backpack. Y/N is now in the school with a bunch of kids! Even with kids, Y/N feels as if he doesn't want to socialise that much! He just stayed quiet for the whole time!

 The bell rang and class has started. Y/N went into the classroom but it seems like all the seats are occupied, except one seat at the corner left! The teacher called out Y/N to come in front of the class to introduce himself, as everyone, aside from him, knew each since last year! As he formally introduced himself, and took a quick glance at the class and saw a figure that looked familiar to him!



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