Aqua Want To Go On A Date! Part 3

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Now, It was around 3 pm. After walking around for quite some time, they decided to take a quick break. Buying something to drink at a nearby store, they set down at a table in the resting area of the mall. While Y/N was cooling his throat with ice coffee, Aqua was drinking hot chocolates with a cute expression! 
“There really is a lot of store around here”
“Yeah, But in the end, We didn’t buy anything.”
“It fine, Our goal was a date, not shopping after all”

The goal on a date is for a boy and girl to get to know each other better and deepen their bond. And to them, it felt like they did achieve that. Aqua stood up from her seat
“I  will go to the toilet real quick,” She said as she walked away.
“ think I would be able to go on a date on Christmas Eve, I hope I don’t die tomorrow” He wondered as he watched her back grow smaller and smaller! With her disappearing in his view, he just sighs, watching nearby couples…!

Almost fifteen minutes had passed since she left her seat. Of Course, Y/N himself knew very well that the girl had to freshen up, comb their hand, put on makeup, and so on in the toilet. But she wasn’t the type to do that for that long! That’s why he started to get worried that something might have happened. Accidents and so on don’t only happen in drama after all.

“Maybe, I should check up on her…” He stood up from her seat

After checking around for about 5 minutes, he managed to find her. It isn’t that hard to spot a short, 44.5 kg, beautiful, pink-haired girl after all. Even though 44.5kg was unnecessary, He didn’t have the leeway to feel glad about finding her. In front of some store in the mall, Aqua was surrounded by a group of three boys. From the looks of it, they seemed to be around the same age. But they were even taller than Y/N and were crowding around her, preventing her from slipping away. Despite the mall full of people, nobody was trying to help her. Nobody wanted to cross that bridge and bring trouble with some delinquent boys. Even the woman passing by didn’t spare a second glance, although this could have easily happened to them.

As he ran toward them, he heard the voice of the boys.
“-Come on, You are alone right?”
“Aren't you cold? Come play with us”
“-You are really cute aren’t you”

They were looking like they were having fun too much with her, not giving her anything to say back. Like a group of selfish simping princes.
She quietly muttered this, Every emotion had vanished from her eyes.  Y/N, himself remembered those eyes. She looked like Aqua Minato when she was tricked by someone at middle school. An atmosphere as cold as ice, an expression of sadness. You could’ve broken her with one touch, like glass. When she entered high school, she completely refused to get tricked a result, she ends up cutting her connection with her surrounding. Unable to watch her in that state, reminding him of the past, He quickly stepped in between her and three boys.   

“ I’m sorry but she’s going out with me..”
“Let Go,” Grabbing her hand, he pulled her away from that place, Not giving the three boys to say anything. “Whatever, let's just look for another cutie” as they watched Y/N and Aqua leave.
Going out...That idiot runs his mouth whatever he wants…...        
Aqua let out a faint smile on her face. After walking around the mall for 10 minutes without speaking a single word, He finally separated his hand from Aqua’s. As they stopped walking there was a faint glimmer of a smile on her face.

“ I am sorry! I should have been more careful!”
“ Nah...It was my fault, It was my fault for letting you go alone.  This is the duty of a boy on a date right?”
He apologized for not looking for his date partner. And Aqua looked at her friend with a surprised expression. 
“That..was kinda unfair..”
“Wait, What?”
“Now, Should we go home?”

“Are you fine with that?”
“But, I still have one more thing I like to do. I would like to do this”

At the same time that cute voice echoed his ear, he felt a soft sensation on his arm. Aqua had suddenly grabbed his arm, to be precise.
“ Aqua…”
“Let walk together to the train station”   
“No, No This is embarrassing,    and your ch. e….”
“ What? Che..? Anyway Let Go!’
“You sure are so”

In the end, He couldn’t say anything back and just did as she told him. Because of that, they attracted a lot of jealous glare from the boys around them making the walk home even more embarrassing for him than it already would have been. His cute childhood friend has made his heart pound a lot, and this is just too much.

On a bus, as they made their way to the train station, They were exchanging some small talk about their date. In the end, despite all of that happened, The date was a success. They had such a good time that they forgot to buy some souvenirs!

“Ah, That reminds me, Aqua”
“What is it?” Aqua lifted her head.

He proceeded to take out a small envelope from the pocket of his jacket.
“Before I forget it, Here’s your Christmas present”
“A Christmas present?”

As she opened the envelope, Her eyes went wide. It was a penguin keychain with both a white one and a black one attached to one key chain. Since Aqua had been observing the penguins with so many passions, he had secretly bought this

“You like penguins so much..So..”
“Thanks, I will be sure to treasure it “

From the look of it, She was really happy. She embraced the present with both her arms, flashing a gleeful smile.
“Ah, But... I didn’t get you anything…”
“Don’t Worry, I have too much fun on this date, I will consider this date a present from you, Thank you!”         
There was no boy who wouldn’t be happy after going out with a cute girl on a date
After they arrived at the train station, they would ride the train home, and the date would come to an end!       
If she decided not to be a V-tuber, Would this time go on forever?  I am sure every day will be like this!

As they rode the train home, his cute friend leaned against his shoulder as she fell asleep. Plating games together, discussing anime and light novels and laughing about it. With that scenery in his mind, He gently watched her sleeping face!

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