Chapter 1: The First day

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My life growing up was pretty normal. Or at least normal to me. My mom and I lived modest and regular lives. Having a relatively small family, the only one we saw frequently was my Uncle Anthony.

This wasn't my first time walking into the Avengers facility, but it was my first time actually working there. I knew the layout pretty well. I was told to meet in the conference room at 3 sharp. When I walked in, it was completely empty. I guess I'm the first to arrive. The room was very modern. Big glass window looking out onto the grass around the facility. Big large glass table in the center of the room, facing a screen.

Heading over to the coffee table located next to the conference table. I make myself a cup of coffee, eyeing some of the cookies and scones provided. When I suddenly hear a few people entering the room while busy in deep conversation. I continue making my coffee, without bothering to look as to who it was. I hear them walk over to the conference table and sit down.

"Excuse me?"

I turn around while mixing my coffee and raise an eyebrow at the man, who seemingly was talking to me.

"Can I have a cup of coffee? Light, no sugar?"

Making a confused face at the man, I turn back and return to making my coffee. He must have thought I was an assistant.

I hear the second person in the room finally speak up "Bruce, you can't just go around assuming everyone is here to make you coffee"

"Well, sorry Wilson," Bruce replied, seemingly sarcastic

Then enters many footsteps, when I hear a familiar voice, Tony Stark.

Tony enters the room and makes direct eye contact with me while walking to stand in front of the screen at the front of the room. Walking in after him was Steve Rogers, Natasha, Vision, Clint, Wanda.

Everyone else finds their seats around the table. Still conversing with one another. I knew who they all were, they were the avengers.

I walk to the side of the coffee table, leaning my back against the wall and drinking my coffee, waiting for the meeting to start. Peter Parker, walks towards the coffee talk, and grabs a handful of cookies, and gives me a nod with a slight smile before getting seated.

While everyone is talking, I am watching observantly. When I feel a pair of eyes on me. I search the room and see that Captain America, Steve Rogers, has his eyes fixed on me. My eyes locked with his from across the room. But the moment is interrupted why a deep voice laughing and two men walking into the room.

It was Thor, with Loki trailing behind him, seemingly unamused with whatever Thor was laughing about. They take a seat.

Tony finally clears his throat,
"Okay, hi, hello. So before we get into the discussion, I'd like to formally introduce you all to a new member of the team that we will be seeing a lot more frequently. Some of you may have met her already, my niece"

"You have a niece?" Clint says,

"You have a family?" Natasha follows.

Tony rolls his eyes and gestures his hand in your direction "This is y/n. She is 20. She has some interesting things she can add to the team, but I'll leave that up to you guys to find out about yourselves *you smile and roll your eyes at your uncle*

I raise my hand at an attempt of a slight wave.

I scan the room to see what everyone's reaction to me is, everyone seems to just smile in my direction. Loki seems unbothered and not paying attention, as I assumed he would.

I see Bruce Banner, his face a deep shade of red, somewhat hiding behind his hand from being embarrassed he addressed me as an assistant.

I return to standing near the coffee table and listen in while the meeting continues for an hour.

"Alright, well that is pretty much it, so... yeah bye." Says Tony.

As I begin to get my belongings together, I feel a tap on the shoulder. I turn to see Steve Rogers standing before me.

"Hello, I'm Steve. I wanted to formally introduce myself to you."

"Hi," I briefly look him in the eyes, completely unfazed by the fact I am meeting THEE Captain America, and continue on packing my things.

"Do you need someone to show you around the facility?" He continues

"No, I'm good. Thanks"

As I throw my bag over my arm and head towards the door.

I see Steve in the reflection of the glass door, watching me walk away in confusion.

As I turn into the long hallway while leaving the conference room, I hear the light pitter-patter of feet following fast behind me. When Peter Parker appears next to me with a goofy and awkward smile on his face. As he walks alongside me,

"I'm Peter. So you just moved to town right?"

"Yes. I've never been in the city, besides driving it threw it."

"Well I can show you around sometime if you like."

"Yeah, I'd like that. You know where to find me"

Peter has a smile on his face "Okay so I'll see you around y/n."

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