Chapter 15: Headaches

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I stared at Steves's door in shock. I've never seen him so mad. He's never yelled at me before.

I walked back into the kitchen, Wanda was at the sink doing the dishes with Vision. She looked at me.

I opened my mind to her, showing her exactly what just happened. Her eyes widened and she raised her eyebrows at me.

"Steve too?" I heard her say in my mind.

We stood there in silence, me cleaning up the table, and Wanda still doing the dishes.

I decided I might as well just show her everything.

I showed her the steamy moment with Steve in the gym. And how he was upset when I got hurt.

I showed her Loki confessing his attraction to me in the hallway, and him comforting me.

I even showed her Bucky making a sly comment to me in the gym, and then the shower experience from the previous day.

When I finally snapped back to the current moment, Wanda's face was bright red.

When she finally processed everything I had just shown her, she gave me a nod.

I was exhausted. Letting someone in and out of your mind was hard. I've never consciously done it before. I felt like I could fall asleep where I stood.

I went up to my room and threw myself onto the bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out for the night.

I woke up at 9 O'Clock the next morning, I slept straight through the night. I didn't bother changing out of my clothes before laying down last night, so I was still in yesterday's clothes.

I changed into a pair of leggings and a baggy t-shirt. I headed down to the kitchen.

Everyone was there besides Loki and Tony.

Loki never really came out for breakfast unless someone actually cooked. Since it was cereal and fruit this morning, it wasn't a surprise he wasn't here.

"Goodmorning," I said to everyone as I walked over to the fridge. Everyone gave some sort of response to me, besides Steve, who burrowed his eyes deeper into the newspaper he was reading. I wanted to give him time to cool down so I shrugged it off. I got some cream from the fridge and then made myself a coffee. I sat down next to Wanda at the kitchen island. I had a bit of a headache so I rubbed my head.

"You okay?' Wanda said to me.

"Yeah just a bit of a headache, I probably need to drink more water..."

Before Wanda could say anything else, Tony walked in

"Everyone gets ready, Fury wants to talk to all of us at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters."

And with that everyone sighed and got up.

We all piled into the jet, my head was pounding.

"Are you alright y/n?" Bucky said as he sat beside me.

I guess Steve hasn't told him anything yet.

"Yeah, Just a headache, I've been getting them a lot recently."

"It's probably from the concussion, which means you are healing."

"Yeah, probably." I put my head on Buckys shoulder and closed my eyes. Hoping it would help with my headache.

I could feel very familiar eyes on me, without even opening my eyes I knew who they belonged to. Loki was watching me, but I didn't care because my head hurt.

After about 30 minutes we landed and headed into the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.

We were escorted into a big glass conference room. We all sat down. Wanda and Vision sat across from me and Bucky sat next to me on my left, Steve sitting next to him. Loki and Thor sat on the opposite side of me.

Nick Fury walked in and greeted everyone.

"We need to go over and discuss the kidnapping and why it happened."

He was talking about me getting taken.

I was zoning out, I kept hearing quiet whispering in my ears. I looked around trying to find the source of it. Nothing. The whispering made my head begin to hurt again. I caught Buckys attention when I was looking around, he mouthed the words "you okay?"

I gave him a nod to tell him I was fine.

"She's so pretty..." I heard Bucky say, but his lips didn't move.

I leaned in to whisper to him "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" He whispered back,

"What could they possibly be whispering about?" I heard Loki say, when I turned to look at him, he was looking at me, but his lips also weren't moving.

What the hell is going on?

My headache was getting a lot worse, and the whispers in my ear went from soft murmurs to screaming.

I winced in pain and grabbed my head,

"Everything alright y/n?" I heard Fury ask me,

"Yeah, I am fine, I'm just going to step out for a second." I got up from my chair and began walking towards the door. I only made it a few steps away from my seat.

I came crashing down to my knees, holding my head with both of my hands. I started screaming in pain.

Everyone rushed from their seats. I was still screaming, the pain in my head was worse than any pain I've ever felt before. These voices surrounding my entire head, loud.

"Yn!" Tony rushed to my side.


"Make what stop? y/n?!" Wanda said she was now kneeling beside me. I could barely open my eyes, I looked at her, I grabbed her hand. Wanda gasped. She started yelling and holding her head. I released her from my grip. I let her see and hear what I was hearing. She felt my pain.

"Vision. Sedate her."

"What why?" Bucky said while trying to push past the crowd of Avengers surrounding me.


Vision put his hands on my temples and I went unconscious.

"We need to get her back to the facility. Now."

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