Chapter 2: First Impressions

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Being around my uncle Tony so much growing up, superheroes don't faze me. They are just normal people. Now, my uncle is cocky and has a bit of a god complex. That is my least favorite part about superheroes, just because they have special abilities, doesn't mean they are special... I am definitely not. But no one knows what I can do, besides my uncle and me. I don't publicize it.

Later in the day, I decided to sit outside and do some work. I sat across from a big open field, where the avengers tend to train on nice days. Popping my AirPods in and taking my computer out. Then, walks out Steve and Bucky, Steve gives me an enthusiastic and overly excited smile and wave. Bucky just stared in my direction. I gave a weak and uninterested wave back. Steve gave a weird look and continued walking to the middle of the field with Bucky. They begin sparing, practicing their fighting moves.

I returned to my typing, looking up every so often because I can feel eyes on me. Every time I look up, Steve has his attention on me. At one point, once Steve sees I've looked up from work again, he tries to show off. Throwing a punch at Bucky, making contact with his stomach. He then looks in my direction to see if I am impressed.

While Steve wasn't paying attention, Bucky kicked Steve's feet out from under him. Steve hits the ground hard. I giggled at the sight. That caught Bucky's attention. His face went from sturn to a smile. He looked so different when he smiled. Bucky and I were making direct eye contact at his point. He then looks down at his feet, seemingly embarrassed.

"Hey!" Steve said to Bucky.

"Stop showing off and maybe you won't get knocked on your ass again..."

"PSHhhh... I was not showing off Buck.."

"Whatever you say..."

The boys spare for a bit longer, they eventually head inside, wishing me a good first night at the compound.

I stayed outside doing my work for a while longer. I got so caught up in writing, when I looked up across the field, I saw a man, sitting on a bench reading. It was Loki. When did he get there?

While trying to figure out how long he'd been there, I think he noticed me staring and looked up from his book directly at me.

He looked lonely... I decided to pack up my belongings and head across the field to him.

As I walked in a straight line across the field, he kept his eyes glued on the book.

"What are you reading?"

Loki raised an eyebrow before looking up at me. His eyes followed me as I walked to sit next to him on the bench he was sitting on. His face grew with confusion.


"Oh, have you seen the play they are supposed to be putting on at one of the local theaters? I saw a poster about it on my way here this morning..."

Loki closed the book and placed it in his lap, turning his body to slightly face me.

"Is there a reason you came all the way over here for?"

I gave him a confused look and said "You were the only person I haven't met. So I wanted to come chat..."

Loki looked like he was surprised by my answer.

"You know who I am, yes? I am the God of..."

I interrupted him before he could finish, "of Mischief. Yes, I know."

"And yet you've come to talk to me?"

"Yes..." I said with a confused tone.

"You also know I tried to take over Earth?"

"Yes. I also know that. I don't live under a rock Loki. What's your point?"

"Aren't you afraid? Disgusted? Filled with hate?"

I scoffed at him "no, why would I be?"

"Because everyone feels one of those three ways about me..."

"I don't. I don't know you, you've never tried to harm me. And I believe everyone should get another chance."

Loki was surprised by my answer and gave me a small smile.

I smiled back at him, "See? How could anyone with such a cute smile be evil?" I joked.

Loki's eyes widened and his face turned red.

"Well Y/n, it's nice to officially meet you. You are quite refreshing to talk to."

Loki and I talked for a bit, and as the sun began to set, we headed inside and got into the elevator

He asked "what floor?"


"It seems as though we are neighbors."

I smiled at him. "Does anyone else live on this floor?"

Loki shrugged his shoulders "that fellow with the metal arm does as well. He's quiet so this floor is calm."

Loki walks me to my door and says goodnight. His door is a bit down the hall.

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