Chapter 8: Can't Sleep

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I stood in the hall in front of my door for what seemed like hours trying to figure out what just happened. When Bucky turned into the hallway.

My face was still drained of blood from Lokis's kiss.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Bucky said as he walked towards me.

I snapped out of the trance Loki had put me in,

"Yeah, I guess I am just tired..."

I decided not to tell Bucky about what had just happened, mainly because I honestly didn't know myself...

"You should get some sleep, come on."

Bucky took my hand in his and opened my door, leading me in. He sat me down on the couch and got me a bottle of water from my mini-fridge.

"Here..." He handed me the water bottle and sat down next to me.

"Thank you Bucky," I took a sip of the water when Bucky placed his hand on my thigh,

"y/n, you were amazing today..."

I looked at Bucky, whose eyes were looking deep into mine. His blue eyes were easy to get lost in, which I did. We just looked into each other's eyes in silence.

Bucky then cleared his throat, taking his hand off of my thigh and standing up.

"Well, goodnight y/n. I'm just down the hall if you need anything..."

Bucky leaned down and kissed the top of my head, then walking to the door.

"Goodnight Soldier..."

Bucky gave me a smirk and then left my room.

I showered and got into bed.

I stared up at the ceiling,

Were the Avengers just super nice to me? Or was something else going on...

I spent hours tossing and turning in bed, thoughts racing. I couldn't sleep.

I decided I might as well go workout.

I put on leggings and a sports bra, usually, Id wear a tank top but since it was 3 in the morning, I assumed no one would be in the gym.

I got into the elevator and went down to the gym. It was empty. Thank God.

I walked over to the enhanced punching bag and starting hitting and kicking it.

I got lost in my train of thought, that I didn't even notice Steve standing in the doorway watching me.

When I finally noticed him, I turned around to face him.

"I didn't expect anyone to be in here at this hour..." Steve said, walking towards me. "Couldn't sleep?"

I gave him a nod then turned around to continue punching the punching bag.

He walked over to be, walking behind the bag. He held it in place. I stopped hitting the bag,

"I wouldn't stand there, I don't wanna hurt you when I fit the bag,"

Steve let out a small laugh, "You won't hurt me"

"Wanna bet?"

Steve raised his eyebrow at me, "sounds like a challenge. I'm in..."

Steve walked over to the sparing area, waving me to follow, which I did without hesitation.

Steve and I spared for a while until I somehow knocked him down.

I was on top of Steve, pinning his hands at his sides.

"Told you," I said while smiling,

Steve took this opportunity to flip me over so that I was now on the ground and he was on top of me pinning my hands at my sides as I did to him.

"Never let your guard down kid," He said while trying to catch his breath.

"You got me, Captain..." Steve smiled at my new nickname for him.

He leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Say that again,"

I bit my lip, "You got me, Captain..."

Steve then moved my hands from my sides to above my head, pinning them in place with his hands. He then moved from my ear to my neck, he started to breathe heavily on my neck.

Making my entire body tense, he noticed my reaction and decided to take it one step further.

I suddenly felt Steves's lips on my neck, he started sucking, I accidentally let out a small moan. Steve released my hands, sitting beside me, and pulling me onto his lap. As soon as he did this, he crashed his lips into mine. His kiss was hungry and passionate. I was now straddling him.

I could feel his boner getting harder beneath me.

Steves's hands went up into my hair, giving it a small tug. I parted my lips to release a small moan, Steve took this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

But before anything else could happen, we heard the ding of the elevator opening. I jumped off of Steve and onto my feet.

Just as I did, Bucky walked in. He looked at me, then at Steve then back at me, he laughed.

"I see y/n kicked your ass"

I laughed, my face bright red.

Bucky walked over to Steve, extending his hand to him to help him up.

Steve took his hand and got to his feet,

"It's okay Stevie, she kicked my ass yesterday." He patted Steve on the back,

"Yeah, she's pretty great," Steve said and sent me a smirk

"I'm gonna head up, see you later Buck... y/n" Steve gave me a nod and walked out of the room.

Bucky walked to me, "What are you doing down here so early?"

"Couldn't sleep... What time is it?"

"5 a.m... How long have you been down here?"

"I came down at 3..."

"Jesus y/n, I told you to get some rest..."

Bucky walked over to me, "You don't listen, do you?"

Our Bodies now inches apart, when he leaned into my ear, "You need to be taught a lesson sometime..."

Bucky smirked then walking away to go to the treadmill.

He left me standing there speechless...

What the hell is in the water here? Why were all of the guys all over me?

I left the gym, giving Bucky a small wave before I left.

I went to my room. Showered and got into bed, hoping to get a few hours of sleep.

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