Chapter 14: Super Soldier Hearing

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Wanda's Pov:

It was the middle of the night. My dreams were interrupted. I was dreaming about Vision. We had a house and a big yard. We had two little twins running around playing. My dreams were usually blissfully happy. But, as if an emergency broadcast interrupted a tv show, my dream changed.

This was not my dream anymore. I don't know how, but I was in someone else's dream. We were in a dark room, it was cold. I was standing in the corner of the room when the light came on. Y/n was strapped to a table, a man standing very close to her. With some type of torture knife in his hand. Y/n had a blank look on her face, stone cold. No emotion. Numb.

"Fuck... you.." y/n said between shallow breath to the man.

As soon as the words escaped her lips, the man began dragging the knife across her stomach. Y/n screamed in pain. Her scream was ear piercing.

I woke in a sweat. Screaming.

I woke Vision. With my screaming.

"Are you alright darling?"

"Yes... Y/n is having such a powerful nightmare, I got engulfed in it... I have to go check on her!"

I wrapped my robe around myself and rushed up 2 floors to y/ns room.

Y/n Pov

I woke up to Wanda busting into my room in a panic. I was sweating.

"What's wrong?"

Bucky was also awoken by Wanda, his arms still wrapped around me. He was shirtless in my bed.

Wanda's eyes looked at me then at Bucky, she raised an eyebrow at me.

"I felt your bad dream, so I came to check on you... But it seems like you're being well protected already so I'll head out..." She said with a smirk and walked out.

I was so embarrassed, from Wanda seeing my nightmare, and from her catching me with Bucky.

I tried to brush off my embarrassment... Until I realized Bucky was waiting for me to say something.

"I am fine. Go back to sleep."

I turned my back to him and tried to fall back asleep. I wanted to avoid this conversation.

Bucky sighed and laid back down, wrapping his arm around me.

The next morning, I went about my business. Bucky was already gone when I woke up. He had a very strict workout schedule.

Today was the day I was getting my arm cast off, my leg still needed a few more weeks to heal. Since no one was around to help me go to my appointment, a nurse came up with a wheelchair and took me to my appointment. The doctor took my cast off, it was so nice having my hand back,

To my surprise, the doctor also took my leg cast off and replaced it with a boot. He said I was healing a lot faster than a normal human. Since my leg cast was off, I could walk, somewhat with my leg boot and a crutch.

I headed up to the kitchen. Nat and Bruce were talking on the couch. Wanda and Vision were sitting at the island in the kitchen talking. Steve was cooking something.

"Smells good."

I said to Steve while grabbing some juice from the kitchen.

"WOW! Look at you. No casts." Nat said

"Doctor took them off like 20 minutes ago.

Wanda was following me with her eyes. I knew she wanted to talk about what happened last night. I didn't want to, so I avoided her gaze and grabbed a banana. I wanted to get out of that kitchen as fast as possible. I walked back towards the elevator, why did it have to take so long.


I sighed, I knew who it was, I turned around to find Wanda, a concerned look on her face.

"Wanda I really don't wanna talk about the dream... I am sorry I woke you up."

"Fine, you don't wanna talk about the dream, let's talk about that I walked in on..."

"Wanda... I..."

"Listen I'm not judging, but Bucky? He's got issues y/n. And I know you and Loki have been getting close as well."

"It's not like that..."

"You sure? You know I can get into people's heads right?"

I looked down at my feet, not knowing what to say.

"Listen, I know how they both feel about you, what they think about you. Just be careful, they both tend to have short fuses. I can't even imagine what would happen if they found out about each other..."

"I'm not dating either of them, I don't have to explain my actions to either of them. Besides, it's not like I'm sneaking around..."

"Just be careful, okay y/n."

Wanda face me a hug and walked away.

The day went by fairly fast. It seemed like a normal day. It was time for dinner, I only ate a banana today, so I was starving. Tony told me earlier in the day that he was ordering Chinese for dinner, I've been looking forward to it all day.

I went down to the kitchen and sat down at the dining table.

Everyone was talking among themselves. I was just focused on inhaling my food. Minding my business. Not paying attention to the conversation around me, until I heard

"Wait so you have super hearing as well?" Nat asked Steve

Steves's eyes shot to mine,

"Well, yes I do. I can hear conversations in another room. I usually try to tune them out, but sometimes... the conversation is too interesting to not listen to..." Steve continued to stare directly at me.

My eyes darted to Wanda, who also had a panicked look on her face. We both knew Steve heard our conversation by the elevator earlier.

Now he knows about Bucky and Loki. Wanda was panicked because she knows how protective Steve is of Bucky. But what she didn't know is, that Steve I also kissed Steve.

I could tell by how was glaring at me with his piercing ocean blue eyes. It felt like his eyes were burning my skin.

Only Wanda, Steve, and I knew what was going on. Bucky, Loki, and the rest of the team, just continued to eat and converse, not knowing the rising tension at the table.

I stayed silent the rest of the dinner, glancing up at every so often, to find Steves eyes still stuck on me.

I kept opening my mind to let Wanda in, hoping she'd help me.

Wanda would shift in her seat when she felt me open my mind to her. I was one of the few people that could close my mind to her unless I either wanted her in my mind, or I was sleeping.

Wanda entered my mind a few times, to talk to me and so I could talk to her.

When dinner finished, Steve stormed off, I caught him before he went into his room.


He cut me off,

"I don't wanna hear it y/n. I trusted you, Bucky trusts you, God, even Loki trusts you. Me, MY BEST FRIEND, AND the God of Mischief. I... I just can't talk to you right now."

Before I could answer, Steve walked into his room and slammed the door in my face. 

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