o. love bug

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❝ Thank you for being the reason I smile

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Thank you for being the reason I smile....


Holiday Sharp has always been a lover rather than a fighter. She's a hopeless romantic always has been, always will be. She convinces herself that she falls in love with every person she dates, which leads to constant heartbreak. Though, she never backs down, her twinkling eyes always on the hunt for her happily ever after. Her friends and family call her Love Bug. Her twin sister, Yasmine, came up with it when they were young. Even from a young age, she has always wanted her life to be a fairy tale. In her mind, she's a princess who's waiting for her knight in shining armor to find her. Girl, boy, they/them, doesn't matter. She just wants love. True love.

Eli Moskowitz has always watched Holiday from afar, his blue eyes wide with admiration, his cheeks turning rosy whenever she would catch his stare. He's had a crush on the blond since middle school, though he's never had the confidence to approach her. When Cobra Kai comes to town and he flips the script, he manages to weasel his way into her heart.  The question is how long can he manage to stay there.

Moon Parker has watched the girl she loves be left in shambles more times then she can count, and it kills her on the inside. She wishes she could just tell the Sharp girl how much she loves her, shout it from the rooftops, make her smile, laugh, make her know that she is the most beautiful person on this planet. Though, two things stand in Moon's way— an overprotective sister who is also her best friend, and a new overconfident boy with a blue mohawk.




—  josefine frida pettersen   HOLIDAY SHARP  'I think I'm in love '

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josefine frida pettersen
'I think I'm in love '

—  josefine frida pettersen   HOLIDAY SHARP  'I think I'm in love '

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annalisa cochrane as

hannah kepple as

jacob bertrand as

choi san as

— richard harmon

the cobra kai cast as

authors note
I just made up Moon and
Yasmine's last names since I
have no idea what they are lol
— All rights to the creators
of this show. I only own my
characters and plot lines.
— also I changed the face claim
because I can find a lot more gifs
for this actress.

Love Bug  🐞 Moon, HawkWhere stories live. Discover now