xxiv. smile and nod

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  "HOLIDAY, WHY DO YOU HAVE A BUNNY?" Samantha LaRusso asked as the blond girl approached her with Moon beside her and a white furry animal in her arms

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"HOLIDAY, WHY DO YOU HAVE A BUNNY?" Samantha LaRusso asked as the blond girl approached her with Moon beside her and a white furry animal in her arms. They were at the hospital to visit Miguel, who woke up a few days ago. Robby was also arrested. "If it's for Miguel, I don't think that's a great idea. Pets can be expensive to take care of."

"What? No. This is Kevin." Holiday said in a 'duh' tone. "I brought Miguel two one hundred dollar bills."

  "...Then why do you have a bunny?"

  "Why wouldn't she have a bunny?" Moon tilted her head.

  Sam stared at the girls for a moment, before shaking her head and gesturing for them to follow her down the hallway and towards Miguel's room.

  "Okay, can you give him this and say it's from us?" Holiday asked, handing Sam the money. "You can put it in your cute octopus card! Also we barely know him, and I wouldn't want awkwardness moments after I woke up."

  "Of course," The LaRusso girl said. She turned towards the door, taking a deep breath and seeming to give herself a mental pep talk. A pep talk that was beginning to take a really long time.

  "Sam, just go!" Moon said supportively before pushing her suddenly into the room. "Sorry! I didn't mean to push you that hard! You got this girl."

  "Ow!" Holiday flinched back after the bunny kicked her in the face. "Kevin, I swear!"

  Early today, Yasmine told her that she ordered something at the pet store and needed Holiday to pick it up for her. Was she confused? Yes. They don't have pets. Well, now they do. Yasmine said 'Do not name him' because she wants too. Mistakes were made because the bunny now responds to Kevin.

  "Are you okay?" Moon asked, lightly cupping her girlfriends cheek.

  "Yeah," Holiday sighed before narrowing her eyes at Kevin. "Don't look so smug."

  "Speaking of smug."

  Looking up, Holiday made direct eye contact with Hawk. She sent him an awkward smile while Moon sent him a glare.
Sleeping with him that one time definitely gave him too much confidence.

  He just smirked at both of them as he passed by, moving to lean on Miguel's door frame. "El Serpiente!"

  "He makes me feel so much anger," Moon huffed, keeping her narrowed gaze on the red haired boy.

  "Has he gotten hotter?"


  "Just observation. Now quiet, I'm trying to listen." Holiday hushed, moving a bit closer so she could hear what Hawk and Sam were saying to each other.

  "You got some nerve coming here after what your boyfriend did to him." Hawk said, giving the brunette a disgusted look.

  Sam just shook her head, "I don't care what you think. I just want to help."

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