xiv. emotionally damaged people watching twilight

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( warning — eating disorders )

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( warning — eating disorders )

"I FEEL LIKE THIS MOVIE IS SLOWLY MAKING ME LOSE MY SANITY." Ryker complained, staring at the screen that was playing 'Twilight New Moon' with bored eyes. "When is this going to be over— Wait, never mind. He's hot." Moon and Holiday laughed at the boys reaction when Paul Lahote appeared on screen.

"I have a mixed relationship with twilight. It slowly takes away all my sanity and leaves me with a warm fuzzy feeling." Holiday explained with a shrug, leaning back on Moon's bed.

"How long till the warm fuzzy feeling kicks in?"

"Maybe around the 50th marathon."

"You've watched this more then fifty times?" Ryker blinked, concerned. "Are you okay?"

Holiday hummed, pretending to think for a moment. "No. I don't think I am."

"How are things going with that brother of yours?" Moon asked, hoping to have a distraction from the Bella and Jacob scenes— the second hand embarrassment is almost physically painful to watch.

"Oh, you know, yells at me a lot for no reason." Ryker rolled his eyes at the mention of Robby. "Tell's me I'm not supportive enough when it comes to his karate— like I went to his tournament, what more does he want from me? And that I'm just like dad, whatever that means."

"Boo," Holiday groaned. "He sounds whiney."

"He's the only one going through something. Not like our parents also abandoned me to or anything."

"Hey, same." Moon and him shared a high five. The Parker girls parents are never home. Her mom's a surgeon and her dad's a nurse, working long shifts and barley spending anytime at home with their daughter. She sees them maybe twice a week if she's lucky.

"I wish my mom would abandon me," Holiday huffed. "My dad basically has, but my mom is a crazy diet lady who pushes her eating disorder on me and my sister."

"Wow," Ryker whistled. "We're all emotionally damaged people watching Twilight on a Saturday night. Do you think we need therapy?"

Moon and Holiday shared a look, "Probably."


  "WAIT, WHAT?" HOLIDAY LEANED FORWARD, GIVING HAWK A CONFUSED LOOK FROM ACROSS THE TABLE. "What did you say their names were? I need you to repeat that. I hope I heard wrong." The couple are on a date at the bowling alley—Holiday has been planning it for weeks, she loves bowling. But now Hawk ruined invited two boys who she and Moon didn't know, who he called 'his minions'.

  "That's Assface," Hawk nodded towards the table behind him at a slightly bigger boy with pale skin and curly brown hair. He then gestured to the other boy, who was also slightly bigger, tall with dark skin and short hair, "That's Douchebag."

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