xvii. tattoo's and heartbreak

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  "WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS MARCUS, I'M NOT GOING TO CALL YOU ASSFACE." Holiday huffed, snuggling more into Moon's lap. They found themselves in the tattoo shop once again, this time accompanied by Hawk's 'posse', Mitch and Chris. The four sat on one of the benches in the waiting room as said boy got his back tattoo changed. Hawk recently dyed his hair red, so he has to do the same thing to his back tattoo.

  "Why do you want her to call you Assface?" Chris gave his friend a weird look. He's relieved that Holiday and Moon don't call him 'Douchebag'. He just wanted to do karate, not become a servant for a guy with an ego as big as his hair.

  Mitch shrugged, "I don't know, just feels right."

  "It's not right. It's weird. Right Moon?" The blond turned to face her girlfriend.

  "I mean if he likes being called Assface call him Assface." Moon shrugged, not really caring. Yeah, it's really weird. But at this point in time she's just gonna let Hawk have this. For some reason he likes having two guys come with them everywhere. All the time. Hell, they might as well be a fivesome at this point. She likes Chris, Mitch however, is really hard to like.

  "No, Hawk has just convinced him that to be worth something he has to go by that stupid nickname." Holiday snapped, getting off of Moon's lap and getting into the curly haired boy's face. "Marcus, listen. Your not the most attractive, but that's okay. Doesn't mean your face looks like an ass."

  "Um, it's Mitch." He leaned back, his eyes wide. "I feel like you're trying to be supportive but you're really bad at it."

  "Ah—ha!" She clapped, causing them all to jump. "You called yourself Mitch! Wait... it's not Marcus? Anyways! I win!"

  Moon laughed, "What do you win?"

  "...I don't know but I won."

  "There you go, brother." The tattoo artist's voice echoes through the room.

  Hawk sits up, nodding at the man. "Thanks, Rico."

  "See you soon, Man."

  Holiday and Moon approach the boy, excited to see his changed tattoo. They both gasp at the sight of his chest— more importantly, the new tattoo on the left side of his chest over his heart. It was a drawing of half moon tattoo with a lady bag lounging on it like a seat. It was honestly the cutest thing Holiday had ever seen.

  "Did you get that for us?" Moon asked quietly, in awe.

  Hawk smirked, walking closer to the two, "Maybe."

  Holiday squeals, pulling the red haired boy into a sudden kiss. When she pulls away, her sparkling eyes not leaving the tattoo. First the bracelet and the nipple piercing, now a tattoo? It all just seems too good to be true. Whenever any of her relationships get too comfortable, something bad always happens. It's the calm before the storm. She hopes she's wrong.

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