xxvii. is it really worth it?

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( WARNING — GRAPHIC binge eating and eating disorders

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eating and eating disorders. As well as suicidal thoughts. If you are at all triggered by this
, DO NOT read this chapter. I will summarize it at the end )

"THE REASON WE LEARN KARATE IS TO SHOW THE WORLD THAT YOU'RE NOT A BUNCH OF PANSY— ASS NERDS!" Johnny Lawrence says, beginning one of his many 'inspirational' speeches. "Because Eagles don't get shit on. They're the ones doing that shitting!"

"Yup, that's it. We're out." Ryker shakes his head, moving out of line and grabbing his back pack.

"I would love to stay blondie, but I have a therapy appointment." Holiday smiles awkwardly at the man as she follows her friend.

Moon walked by the man next, sending him a shrug. "I'm a lover not a fighter."

"I don't have an excuse," Yasmine smirked. "Oh, and don't chase us this time. I will call the cops."

"We have lost four eagles today. But that is okay. The weak always leave first." Johnny told his other students. "Ryker, I can sense the finger you are showing me through the back of my head."


"FUCK, THIS WAS A MISTAKE." HAWK SIGHED, BOUNCING NERVOUSLY ON HIS TOES— the instant regret flooding through his veins. "I can't still run? That's an option. No. Hawk. Don't be a pussy. You got this. She's not that scary. She's a peace loving vegan hippy. Nothing to be scared of. Except for the fact the peace loving doesn't seem to apply to you."

"Why are you talking to yourself?" The sound of the girl's voice caused him to jump. "I think all that hair dye has seeped into your skull."


"Oh, I try." Moon hummed, closing the door behind her and leaning against it. "Why are you here Eli?"

She studied the boy in front of her. To put things nicely— he looked like an absolute disaster. His red hair that was usually styled into a mohawk was down and pointing in all directions. His skin was pale (well paler then normal) and the dark purple circles under his eyes weren't the only shocking thing— his eyes were red. Which means either he's high, or he's been crying. There is a very good chance that it's both.

"I— I don't know why I'm here." Eli sighed, closing his eyes as he takes a deep breath. "I don't know why I'm here." He could feel his eyes start to water, causing him to curse under his breath. "I— I fucked up."

"At least you're self aware."

"Self— what?" Hawk scoffed, looking up at the brunette in slight shock.

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