i. smile through the pain

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  "HE CHEATED ON ME AGAIN," HOLIDAY SHARP SIGHED OUT SADLY, HER BLUE EYES GLISTENING AS SHE HELD BACK TEARS. She arrived at the party with her boyfriend, Zac Park, only to lose him thirty minutes in and later find him making out with another girl in one of the bathrooms.

  She's not surprised anymore, they've been dating for half a year and he's cheated on her at least three times— though it's probably been more then three, considering these are the only times she's heard about.

She first found out from his best friend,
Kyler. But Holiday knows that he only told her just so he could try and get into her pants. The second time a girl he cheated on her with texted her about, saying how she was sorry and wouldn't have slept with him if she knew that he had a girlfriend. She didn't talk to him for a week, but she forgave him eventually— which she shouldn't have. And the third time was half an hour ago.

  "When are you going to dump the loser?" Yasmine scoffed, rolling her eyes as she leaned against the table. She doesn't understand why her sister didn't break up with Zac the moment she found out about the first time he cheated.

  Samantha LaRusso rubbed the blond girls back in comfort, a frown on her face as Holiday started to cry.

  "He's not that tall," Moon mumbled to herself, her body practically shaking in anger as she thought about the Park boy, "I could take him."

"Why does everyone always cheat on me? Holiday sniffed, wiping the tears from under her eyes. "Is their something wrong with me?"

"There is nothing wrong with you, men just suck," Sam said, trying to make the girl feel better.

"Only men have cheated on you," Yasmine hummed, deep in thought. "Any girl you dated didn't.... Maybe men are the problem?"

"You should date a girl next!" Moon gasped out, clapping her hands excitedly. Yasmine sent her a weird look at her optimism, which she ignored.

"Should I just ghost him or something? Break up with him over text?" Holiday asked, not wanting to think about all her failed relationship's in the past. "Because I don't want him to see me crying. Cause I want to be a badass, but I can't stop crying." She started to sob, a hand moving up to cover her mouth.

"Get the fuck out of here you smelly crusty toe nail!" Moon shouted all of a sudden, causing the three girls jump in surprise. Though once they saw who walked into the kitchen, Sam and Yasmine stood in front of the heartbroken blond to have a stare down with the cause of all her problems.

"What?" Zac asked slowly, looking at the three girls who looked like they wanted to stab him nervously. He then looked at his girlfriend who was looking down at her cup, her hair covering her face as she avoided eye contact.

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