iii. creepy men and candy corn

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( warning— kind of smutty )

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( warning— kind of smutty )

  "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" HOLIDAY BLUSHED AS THE BOY WHO WORKED AT THE COMIC BOOK STORE CLIMBED UP THE LADDER TO GRAB HER A POP VINYL FROM THE TOP SHELF. She came to the mall with Yasmine, Moon, and Same, who were picking up the costumes that they ordered for the Halloween dance— they were going as Laker Girls. Now, Holiday isn't the biggest fan of the costume choice, but she didn't want to say anything to piss off her sister, "Sorry to bother you."

  She blushed even more as the older boy, Aiden, laughed softly as he climbed down the ladder, "It's no problem, it is my job after all." He grinned, handing her the Loki pop she asked for. 

She grabbed it, giggling quietly as their hands brushed, "I know, but still. Thank you."

"You have a cute laugh," Aiden smiled, leaning against the wall, running a hand through his hair as he flirted with the blond.

Holiday snorted, causing her eyes to widen and her hand to fly over her mouth in surprise. The two shared a look, before both breaking out into laughter, "You sure you don't want to take back that comment? It's not to late."

"Excuse me! There are some paying costumers waiting here!" A voice shouted from behind them. Holiday and Aiden turned around to see two boys who she vaguely recognized. The one who called them over, the tall lanky black haired boy, seemed to no be having a heated discussion with the slightly shorter boy who was standing beside him.

"Um, guess duty calls," Holiday cleared her throat, feeling embarrassed now for some reason. "I'm going to go look through the posters, it was nice meeting you, Aiden." With that she walked away, sending the two boys an awkward smile as she passed by them to the back of the store where the posters hanged.

  Eli cowered into himself as the older boy walked behind the counter, glaring at them as he started to scan their items. Yes, he hates that Demetri brought unwanted attention to them both, but at the same time he doesn't feel to bad about him putting a stop to the two's flirting. Aiden had to be at least twenty five or older, and the fact that he was flirting with a seventeen year old is a little (a lot) creepy.

"Thank you," Demetri says as Aiden hands him his receipt— not caring at all about the attitude he was receiving. "Now, I would tip you, but since you were canoodling on the job, I don't think you deserve it. Your lucky I don't write a Yelp review about you. I could, but I won't. Your welcome."

Eli quickly walked out of the store to take a seat on the bench, hoping to look like he didn't know the taller boy. His eyes stayed locked on Holiday, a small smile on his face as he watched her eyes light up when she found a poster she liked. Something about seeing the girl in a comic book store of all places definitely made his already embarrassing crush grow even bigger.

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