xii. toxic masculinity and fights

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( warning — eating disorders )

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( warning — eating disorders )

"UGH, HOLIDAY! WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY BAGS?" HAWK GROANED OUT as he struggled to carry one of Holiday's bags out of her house. It's the day of Hawk's karate tournament, yet it's also the day that the Sharp family goes to France— minus Holiday. Originally, her and Yasmine were both supposed to stay behind, but after the whole front wedgie thing, Yasmine wanted to get out of LA for a bit so it can all die down. So, now it's just Holiday, instead of staying home alone, she's going to be staying with Moon.

  "You know that bag has wheels right?" Moon laughed as she walked past him, one of Holiday's suitcases wheeling behind her. "Also stop whining, look at it as a type of warm up karate boy."

  "Why are you just telling me this now?" He huffed as he finally made it to the car.

  "That's my makeup bag you're carrying so be carful." Holiday sent the blue haired boy a stern stare from her place in the passengers seat as he puts it in the trunk.

  "This is just for makeup?" Hawk stared at the large suitcase with wide eyes. "How much do you have?"

  "You can never have to much makeup."

  "Also she owns like fifty or more red lipsticks," Moon explained as she got in the drivers seat and Hawk gets in the back.

  "It's my signature look." The blond shrugged as the car pulled out of the drive way. "Do you know where Darron lives?"

"Humming bird, where does your friend live?"

"Demetri lives like five minutes away." Hawk laughed, still finding it hilarious how Holiday never gets the boys name right. Demetri kind of set this up for himself though when he told her that her guess of his name was close enough. "I'll tell you where to— Moon!"

Moon slammed on the breaks as two kids rollerblade out onto the road, not even looking. "I hate children. Why are they so fucking stupid?!"


  "WELCOME EVERYONE TO THE FIFTIETH ANNUAL ALL VALLEY KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP!" A man's voice echoed as Moon, Holiday, and Demetri entered the arena, looking for seats. They found an opening in the middle beside a brown haired boy around their age. Holiday sat beside him, Moon beside her, and Demetri on the end. 

"This has been going on for fifty years?" Demetri blinked, surprised. "Am I the only one that's been out of the loop?"

"You'll love the new mats." Daryl, the announcer chuckled. "All right, let's start by welcoming all the locals dojo's competing today! From Granada Hills, All-Star Karate!"

"Hey." The two girls turned in surprise to face the boy who addressed them. "I'm Ryker. Thought I'd introduce myself, I have a feeling this is going to be a long painful day. Rather not suffer alone."

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