vi. date night! kind of?

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( warning— eating disorders )

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( warning— eating disorders )

  "HOW MANY CALORIES ARE IN THIS? IT DOESN'T SAY," Holiday asked, slumping down in her seat as she looked at the menu. Moon sat beside her, leaning over her shoulder to look at what she was looking at. "Doesn't it legally have to say?"

  "It's a salad, Love Bug, it can't be much." Moon reassures. "Look, we'll all get the same thing. That way we're all in the same boat!" She smiled, closing her own menu and clapping her hands.

  Eli, who sat across from them spoke up. "Actually I was going to get the—"

  "We're all getting the salad."


  "Stop talking."

  "Yes we're all getting the salad," Eli smiled tightly at Moon, who sent him the same expression. He doesn't know where this confidence came from, but for some reason his competitive nature over powers his shyness. "At least it comes with bread. Is their even chicken in it?"

  "We're vegan, Eli. Get your shit together."

  "Well I'm getting the one with chicken."

  Moon scoffed, "I don't care what you do. Don't have a big head about it."

  "But you just—"

  "What can I get you guys today?" The waiter asks as he approaches the table, his notepad open and ready.

  "Me and her will both get a garden salad and a lemonade to share, so two straws." Moon orders with a pleasant smile before turning to Eli and sending him a smug look. It's the same smug look she sent him when she snagged the seat beside Holiday.  The waiter then turned to Eli who ordered a garden salad with chicken and a Diet Coke. "Why did we invite the nerd?"

  "Moon, don't be rude." Holiday scolded the girl, sending the boy a sweet smile that he returned. "I like Eli, and I wanted to get to know him better. And Moon, I like you. Why would I not want the two people I like to like each other?" Both of their eyes widen at the blond who didn't think twice about her words and was looking at the two expectantly.

  "Like... as in?" Eli questioned.

  Holiday looked confused, though she caught on to what they were implying. "Oh! I don't mean like... like like. Well, actually, your both hot, so. I wouldn't be opposed. This wasn't what I had planned, but I like this."

  "Huh?!" Moon's eyes widened and Eli's jaw dropped, staring at the girl like she was insane.

  "We should have a threesome. That's what I was implying."

  Eli cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, could you say that again?"

  Holiday looked at their shocked faces for a moment before bursting out into laughter. "I'm kidding! You should have seen your faces."

Love Bug  🐞 Moon, HawkWhere stories live. Discover now