xxii. hickeys and history

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( warning — eating disorders )

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( warning — eating disorders )

"IT WAS A MISTAKE. EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES." Moon explained as she stumbled out of bed, ignoring the smug look Hawk was sending her way. They definitely didn't plan to end up sleeping with Hawk again. But it just happened. They ran into the boy at party last night, and next thing you know, boom. They're in his bed. "Don't look so smug. We're still pissed at you. Right, Love Bug?"

The blond grunted, turning over and snuggling into the covers.

"That grunt means she agrees with me."

"I don't think it did."

"Can you both hush, it's too early." Holiday groaned, sitting up slightly to glare at the two. "Also yes, I'm still mad. But the horny in me took over the anger in me last night. So, here we are."

"Why were we so horny last night?" Moon asked, genially confused.

"Are cycles are synced up and we're both horny the two days before our periods."


"I've missed this," Hawk said, leaning back into the headboard with his hands behind his head. "You know— OW! Holiday!" He jumped away from the girl who randomly bit his nipple. "Okay... I'm not complaining, but I wasn't ready." He looked down, "And now I'm hard again. That's great."

  "Well you and your right hand have fun," Moon said, blowing him a mocking kiss after she pulls on her clothes. "We have to go and get ready for school. Don't forgot it's your first day back, bird boy."

  It's been two weeks since the school fight, and today is the day that those involved are able to return back to school. Miguel is still in a coma, and Holiday and Moon have sent an assortment of gift baskets to his mother and Yaya.

  The blond huffed, rolling off the bed and onto the floor. She get to her feet, still a little dazed as she grabbed the clothes her girlfriend handed to her. After pulling on her jeans, she went to put on her shirt and frowned at the stain on it. " Is this a cum stain?"

  Moon girl cringed, "Yeah. I think so. Hawk, that is your fault."

  "Everything is my fault," The red haired boy said, opening his phone. "Shit, my mom came home late last night. You guys need to leave out the window."

  "Excuse me? No fucking way."

   Holiday skipped over to the boy's closet as the two started to bicker. She had a small smile on her face, her heart warming as this reminds her of old times. She searched through, her eyes lighting up when she found Eli's old sweaters hidden at the back. She pulled off a green patterned one and through it over her head. Though Holiday  wouldn't be caught dead wearing it since it just doesn't match her style, doesn't mean she won't wear it in the comfort of her own home.

Love Bug  🐞 Moon, HawkWhere stories live. Discover now