Chapter Sixteen - What are Families For?

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Chapter 16: What are Families For?

Ron pulled Harry aside in the early afternoon, asking to speak with him privately. Harry paused when he saw the scowl that briefly creased Hermione’s face. He didn’t need to be a skilled Legilimens to know what she was thinking. Her thoughts would have come across clearly to a Muggle with no discernible magical power. Harry was certain that she would have been mortified to know that her emotions were so boldly displayed. He was positive that she was trying to hide them. “She probably thinks that she is hiding them well.” Harry turned to Ron with a concerned expression.

“It’s not about Hermione, is it?” Harry asked hesitantly. “I don’t want to interfere and she doesn’t seem too happy that you’re…”

“I can’t tell you right this second,” Ron hissed. “Can we just go?”

Harry called to Ginny, who had been heatedly debating the use of a certain Peruvian Powder with Fred and George. She waved at him and pointed to a clandestine meeting place. He crossed the room, meeting her under a display of fireworks.

“Did you want something from me?” Ginny whispered seductively into his ear.

They hadn’t been alone together since their honeymoon, and Ginny’s mind kept jumping back to that night. She loved the feelings that her memories created in the pit of her stomach. In the past days, Ginny had taken to creating scenarios in her mind, scenes where she cornered Harry and had her way with him. Something in Harry’s eyes caused Ginny to pause. “He looks so serious. We should be celebrating. Everyone is here, and Fred and George closed the store so that they were able to celebrate with us. I wonder what is going on.”

“Ron and I are going out for a bit,” Harry sighed. “No, Luv, I don’t know what’s going on. As soon as I find out I will try to get a message to you.”

Ginny’s face flushed a becoming shade of rose. “How is it that he can do that to me? It’s more than just reading my mind; it’s as if he’s inside my skin. I wonder if he can feel everything I’m feeling.”

“Yes,” Harry whispered with his mouth pressed against the lockets of hair curling around her ear. “I can. I have those same feelings. Later, my Luv, I promise.”

“Hurry back,” Ginny begged. “I want to go to Honeydukes before we leave.”

I will,” Harry promised. “Explain this to Hermione, would you? She looks fit to burst.”

Harry threw a sympathetic look over his shoulder at Hermione before exiting Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes with Ron.

Ron practically tore his arm out of its socket tugging him across the lane. They hurried down the other side of the street and past an empty shop. Ron stopped abruptly before the Post Office, ducking into a small shop with no advertisements in the window. Harry was certain that this shop was as vacant as the previous one, but was quickly proved wrong when he followed Ron through the doorway.

Harry gaped in amazement as the shop came to life. Candles flared on the walls as the door to the shop swung closed. They heard the click as it latched into the frame. Suddenly, the entire shop and its contents were illuminated.

Harry wondered how Ron could have possibly known about this place. There wasn’t a single item in this store that would sell for less than one hundred Galleons. “Who could afford to shop in a place like this?”

“Harry,” Ron whispered urgently. “The sales witch will be out any minute. I know this is awkward timing, but can I, I mean, would you…”

Harry watched Ron’s face as the blush crept up his neck, coloring his cheeks and forehead. Harry suddenly realized what Ron was trying to ask him.

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