Chapter Ten - Happy Birthday, Husband

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Hermione left Harry’s side to help Petunia. “I can’t believe I did that. I could have hurt her.” Guilt weighted on her conscience. Hermione quickly pulled out her wand and magicked Petunia into her chair before reviving her.

While Hermione had been busy with Petunia, Ginny and Ron had guided Harry into his chair. When he seemed steady enough to sit on his own, they each sunk into the chairs on either side of him.

What on earth is going on? What happened to Harry? He looks awful. Why is Hermione fussing over me?” Petunia blinked her eyes rapidly and stretched her legs. “I feel funny. I’d better get started, they are starting to look pretty impatient.”

“I had to return to the house to bring these boxes to you. Harry, I have already given you the letters. I think that they will be the key to an understanding of your family. I don’t think you will be able to understand yourself until you know who and where you come from.” She stopped talking, seeing the horrified look on Harry’s face. She glanced at Hermione, who had always been civil to her, and saw the distrust in her eyes. Petunia opened her mouth to ask them why they were all so upset.

Ginny leapt onto the chair, carefully maintaining contact with Harry. “How dare you,” she roared. “How dare you sit there and act as if nothing has happened. We were fools to have trusted you, you have betrayed us all.”

Petunia graciously ignored Ginny’s vicious words and turned her bewildered eyes to Hermione for guidance. Petunia blanched when she saw the look of pure rage simmering in her eyes. Hermione’s eyes had captivated Petunia and she was unable to move. She sat, trembling in fear, intent on maintaining eye contact. Somehow she knew it was the way to prove her innocence.

“You don’t know,” Hermione murmured thoughtfully after a long moment. She turned to Ginny and shook her head sadly. “She really doesn’t know.”

“How can you be so sure,” Ginny spat. “Look at what she did to Harry.”

Harry looked up for the first time. “I can’t let them think ill of her without knowing if it’s true.” He delved into his Aunt’s eyes seeking the truth. He was not surprised to see absolutely nothing. There was not a trace of deceit or deception in her hazel eyes.

“She’s not lying,” Harry declared firmly.

“Will someone please explain to me what is going on?” Petunia cried. “What happened?”

“Like you…”Ginny began harshly.

“No, Ginny,” Ron interrupted. “It won’t do us any good. Let it be and let her continue.”

Ginny sat down in a huff. Harry nodded his agreement and Petunia smiled wanly at his small show of support. She pointed at the smaller box between Harry’s feet. “You’re letters are in there.” Then, she pointed to the larger box between Ron’s legs. He used his yeti-sized feet to shove the box closer to her, putting it within Petunia’s reach.

She smiled a genuine smile of relief and acceptance. She bent down to retrieve the contents of the box, piece by piece. Before she removed anything, she briefly met the eyes of each of the teenagers sitting across from her. “I’d better tell them a little about where I got this stuff from.”

“I hardly know where to begin. There have been so many lies. The beginning is complicated, too complicated in fact. I will start with the day the Dumbledore returned to Privet Drive. He came bearing the two boxes you see.” She put subtle emphasis on the word two, glancing at Harry to make sure he understood her meaning. She knew his intentions and meant to keep the third box a secret until he allowed her to share the knowledge. “The smaller box, he told me, was for Harry. The larger box was for Harry’s friends. There would be a time when Harry would arrive with his friends, seeking shelter and offering their help. When that time came, it was up to me to get to know each of them and decide how to distribute the boxes contents.” She paused again, this time seeking out reassurance form Hermione.

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