Chapter Eight - Heir Apparent (TBWL)

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Chapter Eight: Heir Apparent

***Please be aware that this chapter contains strong imagery and sensitive topics.***

It happened that first night. He stared in horror, as his world fragmented into a million pieces, in a place he felt secure. He watched, helpless, as his universe imploded. Those he trusted most surrounded him. He should have been safe. Instead, a part of his heart was perishing in a never-ending fire.

Harry’s scar exploded in pain. He had no time to dwell on the intense burning. Harry was well aware that the tide had turned against him. Tom and the Death Eaters were moments away from victory. Time all but stopped as flames erupted from the second level of the Burrow. Harry knew that there were members of the Weasley family trapped inside. Several members of the Order braved the perilous flames to rescue those trapped inside. Harry had seen the Death Eaters charming the house before they set it on fire. “They must have put an anti-Apparition charm on it. That’s why the Order had to walk in instead.”

Harry stood, against his will, trapped against the side of the garden shed. He was out of the path of the battle that raged around him. Tom had taken him hostage a few moments before. His vantage point offered him a clear view of Ron and Hermione. They were back to back, locked in battle with several Death Eaters but holding their ground. Luna was slumped against the trunk of the Magnolia tree that she and Neville had shared a dance under at Bill’s wedding. “She kissed Neville under that tree. Neville sent me an owl after Bill’s wedding, he was so amazed. Where are Bill and Fleur?”

Voldemort, sensing Harry’s interest, forced Harry’s head in a different direction with a flick of his wrist. Luna was now outside of his field of vision. Unfortunately, Harry was now subjected to the bulk of the battle he had been previously ignorant of. Bodies littered the garden in front of the Burrow. Bill and Fleur were dueling with Malfoy and Nott. Behind them, the Burrow continued to burn brightly. Ginny, Neville, Fred, and George were trying to put out the fire. Neville had conjured the shield charm to protect the four of them while Fred and George fired off spell indiscriminately. They randomly hit the Death Eaters who were rapidly closing in on them. Ginny had her efforts focused on extinguishing the flames. Harry could hear her repeated cry of “Auguamenti”. Despite her valiant attempt, Ginny’s stream of water was not enough to put out the flames that threatened to engulf the Burrow.

Harry tore his eyes away from his beloved to survey the rest of the damage. The only surviving member of the DA, aside from Neville, was Seamus. Harry watched in dismay as a blinding flash of light streaked into his peripheral vision and hit Seamus square in the chest. Harry could feel the tears running down his cheeks as Seamus fell backwards. Harry could not watch anymore. Seamus hit the ground without making a sound, his life extinguished.

Voldemort laughed coldly at the pain he senses coming from Harry. The sound grated on Harry’s sanity and he blinked wildly with despair.

Blink. Charlie’s body, face down. Blink. Professor Lupin, falling to the ground, an enormous gash across his chest. Blink. Tonks rushing to Professor Lupin’s aid, the life leaving her as the killing curse hit her in the back. Blink. Ron holding Hermione’s lifeless hand. Blink. Ron charging Malfoy. Blink. Ron, laying face down near Charlie. Blink. Neville’s shield charm dissolving after a particularly nasty curse hit it. Blink. Fred, thrown into Ginny with the impact of a curse. Blink. George sacrificing his own life, throwing his body in front of Ginny to protect her. Blink. Neville blasted through the flaming door of the Burrow.

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