Chapter Twenty-One - Storm the Fortress

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Chapter Twenty-One: Storm the Fortress

Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Neville stared at the space Malfoy had just occupied.

“Did he just say that the Burrow is under attack?” Ron managed to squeak out.

“I think he did,” Harry confirmed.

“Do you think it’s a trap?” Ginny wondered.

“I don’t know,” Harry admitted.

“Should we go?” Neville questioned.

“I don’t think we have much of a choice. Be prepared for anything.”

Harry and Ginny grabbed Neville at the same time Ron and Hermione grabbed Luna. They all disappeared silently.

When they reappeared, there was no amount of planning or background that could have prepared them for the destruction they found.

The last of Voldemort’s followers had attacked with a vengeance. It seemed that they were out for retribution for every good act that had ever been committed. Their numbers were few, but they fought as if their master’s vicious anger empowered them.

Flames erupted from the second level of the Burrow. Harry heard Fred and George calling out to him, their voices all but blocked by the thickness of the smoke billowing from the upper levels of the Burrow. He was grateful that the Death Eaters still hadn’t noticed the newcomers’ arrival. They were locked in battle with members of the Order who had arrived previously. Their preoccupation gave Ron a chance to form a plan of attack.

“Harry,” Ron hissed. “Harry!”

Harry jerked himself out of the horrific nightmare he had been reliving. He looked around frantically, searching for Charlie, Bill, Fleur, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. He couldn’t find any of them. Instead, his eyes fell upon the two people he had not expected to see.

“Harry,” Ron repeated.

“Malfoys,” Harry choked out.

“We don’t have time for that,” Ron commanded. “Get it together.”

“Draco? What about him?” Ginny asked Harry.

“Not just Draco,” Harry grunted.

“We don’t have time for this,” Ron bellowed, growing more impatient and taking a chance that he might reveal their location.

Instantly Harry and Ginny stopped having their own conversation and looked at Ron. “What’s the plan?” they asked in unison.

“We need to split up,” Ron asserted. “Neville, Luna, and I will take the left side of the house. Harry, you, Ginny, and Hermione will take the right side. The goal is to trap them while the Order is distracting them. Ginny, keep your shield spell up as long as you can.”

Ginny looked at Ron while Harry said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Ron. I think someone else should be responsible for the shield.”

“Harry,” Ginny exclaimed in a furious tone.

“Fine,” Harry conceded. “I don’t want a repeat of your last performance though, keep it in check,” he said sternly.

Ginny grinned devilishly, looking startlingly mysterious. “I will.”

Suddenly, before they could separate for their attack, a loud explosion ripped through the tumultuous air.

“What was that?” Ron screamed, trying to make himself heard over the racket.

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