Chapter Nineteen - An Unlikely Source

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Chapter Nineteen: An Unlikely Source

Harry felt himself being poked and prodded the minute he and Ginny reappeared at the Burrow. He cracked his eyelid open, allowing a slit of light in. He heard Molly’s ‘tut tut’ and another, faraway voice among the shadows that he couldn’t place.

Harry gave in and reluctantly opened his eyes fully. Immediately, he wished he were back in the midst of the battle. Anything, even dueling with Voldemort would be better than dealing with the looks of anger and disappointment that faced him.

Harry looked slowly around the circle. Charlie looked ready to tackle a Dragon. His face was flushed so deeply that he was the same shade as the wine that Uncle Vernon served to the Mason’s. Harry saw Cordi standing next to him, her hands balled up into fists, looking just as angry as Charlie. Her face was deathly pale, a stark contrast to Charlie’s burgundy coloring.

Harry didn’t dare meet Remus’ eye and he blanched when he saw the look on Tonks’ face. There wasn’t a single person in the room who supported his choice, or so it seemed.

“We support you, Mate,” Ron said quietly.

“We all made our own choices,” Hermione added.

“You made the toughest choice of all,” Ginny said supportively.

At that, Molly could no longer contain her indignation. “What in the blazes did you think you were doing? Your father and I are so disappointed with you. How could you risk your life so callously?”

“Molly,” Arthur broke in before she built up enough steam to continue. “Harry.” Arthur shook his head slowly. What were you thinking?”

“I had to help Ginny,” Harry replied honestly. “I didn’t know how else to save her.”

“She was rather scary,” Ron admitted.

“Her eyes were the worst part,” Hermione confirmed.

“I’m standing right here,” Ginny complained. “Do you need to talk about me like that?”

“Sorry, Ginny,” Hermione said, immediately contrite.

Harry gathered a few bits and pieces of information from the conversation, which included a great deal of swearing and shouting most of which was aimed at him.

Harry determined that Ron and Hermione had returned to the Burrow when they left Harry with Ginny. They had already dealt with the brunt of the interrogation. Harry couldn’t be more grateful to them if they had brought Dumbledore back from the dead. The last thing he wanted was to have to defend his actions. After the scare that Ginny gave them, he wasn’t prepared for another onslaught of emotion.

After what felt like hours, the commotion died down and Harry was finally able to get away from the uproar. Harry escaped to the paddock. Hermione appeared first, followed closely by Neville, Luna, and Ron. Harry cocked his head to the side, waggled his eyebrows at Hermione and smiled. The smile was wiped from his face at her response.

“Ginny’s not coming,” Hermione told him gently.

“Why not?” Harry asked, a concerned look clouding his eyes.

“It’s nothing to worry about. Ginny asked me to tell you that she needs to talk to Mum about something.” Ron grimaced as he relayed Ginny’s message.

Harry’s heart leapt in his chest. What if Ginny’s transformation had affected her health? He had promised not to leave her behind, but he had also promised not to put her in harm’s way. A nagging voice at the back of Harry’s mind told him to let Ginny chose her own path. If she felt capable of accompanying them to find the last Horcrux, Harry decided that he would not question her decision or try to stop her.

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