Chapter Seventeen - Future Interrupted

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Chapter Seventeen: Future Interrupted

Remus and Tonks finally got the chance to pull Harry away as he was helping to clear the table. Harry started to protest that he was tired. His mind was on Ginny and the wink in Honeydukes. At that moment, Harry was more interested in what his wife had done with all those Chocolate Frogs than what the Order was currently doing.

“Harry,” Remus began slowly. “I’ve been patient, but I must insist that we speak.”

“Oh, all right,” Harry grumbled. “But you had better not cause any trouble for me with Ginny.” Harry had only mentioned this for Ginny’s sake, who had come bounding into the sitting room where Remus had dragged him.

“I’ll go explain it to her,” Tonks offered. “We overdue for a chat.”

“Our chat had better be short,” Ginny warned. “Harry and I have some urgent business to attend to before we have to leave for Diagon Alley tomorrow morning.”

“I’m sure that Remus will keep it short,” Tonks promised. “Right, Dear?”

Harry tried unsuccessfully to hold back a snort at the tone Tonks had taken, which sounded remarkably like Mrs. Weasley when she was upset with Mr. Weasley.

He waved goodbye to Ginny and Tonks, who joined the others in the kitchen for dessert.

“What is going on with the Order that can’t wait?” Harry asked immediately.

“There has been a threat made against you,” Remus said without hesitation.

“What sort of threat?”

“A very serious one.”

“Who made this threat?”

“We don’t know, but we assume that it was made by someone who is higher up the ranks.”

“It doesn’t sound like you don’t have much information for me,” Harry said seriously.

“We don’t,” Remus said without humor. “We’re still working on getting more information from our source.”

“Let me guess,” Harry quipped, “your source is not too keen on giving up everything.”

“Not even close,” Remus said, sounding relieved that Harry wasn’t furious with him.

“Well,” Harry said reasonably. “What information do you have?”

“We know that they are planning to attack you and your family,” Remus admitted.

“When? Where?” Harry demanded.

“We don’t know,” Remus answered slowly. “We could only get one other word out of him. ‘Hokey’. Does that mean anything to you?”

Harry’s eye narrowed in recollection. “Why, yes,” He breathed, “it does.”

Remus was taken aback by the look of fury in Harry’s eyes. “Is there something that you aren’t telling me?”

“I’m sure there are lots of things,” Harry replied cheekily. “This is something I have to work out on my own. I’m going to need to talk with Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, and Ginny before we leave for Diagon Alley tomorrow. Thank you for the warning.”

“Harry, I don’t think,” Remus began, but Harry was already leaving the room.

By the time Remus caught up with Harry in the kitchen, he had already spoken with the others. One by one, they had left the kitchen, Remus could only assume that they would be meeting elsewhere shortly. “You shouldn’t go to Diagon Alley tomorrow,” Remus said quietly. “We don’t know if the threat is valid.”

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