Chapter Nine - Character Revealed

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Chapter Nine: Character Revealed

Harry couldn’t shake the feeling that something cataclysmic was looming on the horizon. His scar tingled annoyingly. “Leave!” he commanded.

Ron, whose eyes had not lost their dull sheen, quickly turned his attention to Harry. Hermione’s eyes widened in fear at the tone of Harry’s voice. Ginny’s body stiffened and her eyes glinted with determination. They all faced Harry, waiting for an explanation or a meeting place.

“We must leave now!” Harry insisted. “There’s no time to waste. Hagrid’s.”

Hermione held tightly to Ron and they disappeared. Harry waited, only staying long enough to see Ginny disappear before he vanished.

Harry did not have a chance to notice the Unicorn hair, bundled neatly and hanging from the walls. He didn’t even have a chance to see the extraordinarily large bed in the corner before he was knocked to the ground. Harry could hear Hermione and Ginny laughing heartily through the boisterous panting next to his ear. He tentatively reached out to scratch Fang behind the ears and pulled his hand back, covered in drool.

Ron chuckled at the sight of Harry on the floor, the lower half of his body crushed under the weight of the boar hound, his robes covered in dog slobber.

“Ginny, how about a hug?” Harry cracked, grinning at the first sign of life from his best friend.

“Maybe after three or four showers, a change of clothes, and a hug from Percy,” she quipped back.

“I thought you loved me,” Harry whined in mock despair.

“Not that much,” Ginny emphasized. “Maybe this much.” She held her thumb and forefinger a few centimeters apart, letting everyone know just how he rated in her book.

“Really,” Harry remarked offhandedly. “I love you this much.” He held his arms out to his side, as wide as they would go. “And, I’m going to prove it,” he bragged.

One moment, Harry was on the floor, only half-visible under Fang’s massive body. The next instant, he was standing in front of Ginny, his body flush against hers. He had his arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer before she had a chance to react. Seeing the humor in her eyes, he proceeded to rub his chest back and forth across hers, succeeding in smearing the slobber across the front of her robes. When she was satisfactorily gooey, he disappeared.

This time, he appeared in front of Hermione. Over the clamorous sounds of her protests, he pulled her into a tight hug. She struggled against him, making faces and squealing. She shrieked about disgusting boys and squirmed about causing her robes to be in an even worse condition than Ginny’s.

Harry took a step away from Hermione, drawing closer to Ron. He winked at Ron and they both chuckled at the indignant cries being emitted.

“You’re my best Mate. You know that. But, I’m not going to let you hug me,” Ron exclaimed.

Harry grinned fondly at Ron, who was acting more like Ron. He turned to Hermione and Ginny to offer his apologies and send up the white flag for a truce. His words died in his throat when he saw them huddled in the corner, ducked behind the corner of Hagrid’s rough-hewn table whispering madly.

When she looked up, Harry caught the twinkle in Ginny’s eyes that suggested she was up to no good. “Blimey, she looks like Gred and Forge. They both do. What are they up to? Whatever it is, I’m not getting in the way.” Harry stepped back and snorted when he saw the look of pure mischief on Hermione’s face. Her gaze was unwaveringly focused on Ron. Both Hermione and Ginny smiled at Harry when they noticed him watching, smiles that were pure impishness.

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