Chapter Twenty - Ministry Mayhem

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Chapter Twenty: Ministry Mayhem

“We’ve covered everything I can possibly imagine happening,” Ginny muttered wearily.

“You don’t have much of an imagination then,” Ron observed. “We still haven’t covered what we’re going to do if…”

“I think we have,” Harry interjected tiredly.

“We’ve been at this for hours, Ron,” Hermione yawned, trying not to complain.

“What time is the meeting tomorrow morning?” Luna asked anxiously, twisting Neville’s arm so she could see the Muggle wristwatch he wore when he was not working in the Greenhouses.

“Eleven,” Ginny answered promptly, stifling a huge yawn. “That’s only nine hours away, Ron.” She looked at him crossly while pointing at Neville’s watch. “Some of us might want to sleep before we take on the entire Ministry of Magic.”

“You make it sound so bleak,” Harry grinned. “All you have to do is find an ancient book that could make you go blind. I have to discuss politics with Rufus Scrimgeour.”

“You’re right, Mate,” Ron sighed dramatically, patting Harry’s arm sympathetically. “You do have it much worse.”

“Enough of this,” Hermione complained. “Let’s go to bed.”

“Yes, let’s,” Ginny echoed, trying to cover another large yawn.

Rather than traipse through the house and risk waking up the entire household, they decided to sleep in the garden. Hermione was worried about Death Eaters popping up, so Harry, Ron, and Neville offered to put up wards around the triangular tent that she had conjured. They left the tent feeling very chivalrous having offered to protect their women.

They went about their business, placing wards and concealing the tent, having no idea that Hermione had sent them away on purpose. Ginny, Luna, and Hermione took the rare opportunity to discuss the day’s events, with Hermione and Ginny apologizing to Luna yet again. Ginny and Hermione were both bursting at the seams to have a real chat with the only other witch that they called a friend.

Meanwhile, outside the tent, the guys were having their own discussion, which mainly consisted of Ron and Harry taking the mickey out of Neville for being so protective of Luna. Their conversation was cut short by a scream that rang out from inside the tent. Ron and Neville rushed to the flaps of the tent to check on the ladies.

Harry stayed behind to cast a spell before joining the others. His pace was unhurried as he walked toward the front flap of the tent. “Muffliato,” he whispered, pointing at the house. Harry took his time approaching the tent, he was not worried as Neville and Ron were, he had heard the laughter in Ginny’s scream.

By the time he made it to the tent flap, Ginny was waiting to greet him. “Welcome back,” she murmured. “It’s about time.”

“I had to check the wards,” Harry said sheepishly.

“What if we were being attacked?” Ginny demanded. “You left us with Ron and Neville.”

“You can’t protect yourself?” Harry teased. “Besides, I heard the laugh behind your scream. What were you guys talking about?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“I’ll find out sooner or later,” Harry threatened, his tone completely at odds with the smile that lit up his face. “I’ll tickle it out of you.”

“Harry, no,” Ginny cried. “You know I hate to be…”

Ginny wasn’t able to remind Harry that she hated being tickled because she had been unexpectedly tossed onto the bed and Harry was currently tickling the soles of her feet.

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