Chapter 9

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We all had the intention of drinking tonight, so we took the shuttle to the boardwalk. It was about 8:00 when we got there, so we walked around the boardwalk for a while. We started to see people going down to the beach under the boardwalk, but didn't want to go down until there was a considerable amount of people. When we got there, there were already a few people literally vertical on the beach making out, and a lot more were on the wall. Then there was the big crowd right in the middle of people drinking and talking. I told the girls we could only stay there till about 10:30 because the cops usually bust it after that. Zola saw a really cute guy within minutes that was checking her out and went over to "talk to him." She soon turned into one of the couples on the wall. 

Sophie and I walked around a little at first. After a little while, we found a really cool group of girls and started to hang out. They were playing music on their speaker and had an enormous cooler of seltzers. After they realized we were chill, they let us have a few.

"Where are you guys from!" I shouted to one of the girls I was standing across from.

"West Lake!" she shouted back.

"We go to East Haven!" Sophie shouted in excitement. Westlake High and East Haven High School were only a few towns apart and played each other in every sport. When you asked someone where they are from, they mostly know that you mean what school. Right after Sophie said that the beat dropped in the song they were playing, and everyone around us jumped. Sophie, the Mystery Girl, and I started laughing and I was having more fun than I thought I would.

We hung out with those girls for most of the night and at around 10:00 Sophie pointed out a guy looking at me.

"He's cute," she said. The boy saw us looking and waved with a smile. "You should go talk to him. You need a rebound to help get you over Tyler."

"I was never under him," I said through my teeth as I smiled back at him.

"Yeah, but you wished you were," she said with a giggle. I rolled my eyes but still started walking towards the guy. He met me halfway and asked if I wanted a drink. I said sure and he brought me a red solo cup. What was in it? I have no idea. That's why I only held it and never took a sip.

"I'm Aiden, nice to meet you," he said, leaning into my ear so I could hear him.

"I'm Rory," I said, leaning in equally as close. There was chemistry. It wasn't crazy chemistry or anything, it was just the basic we both wanna hook up let's get to it kind of thing. Or so I thought.

"Do you wanna take a walk?" he ask-shouted this time.

"Sure," I nodded. We started walking away from the crowd. We passed the wall plant (that's what I like to call the people who hook up at the wall) and the beach layers (the other nickname, you get the gist). We walked along the beach and were passing the pillars that held up the boardwalk as we did. I managed to set the cup with the unknown substance down a few pillars ago.

"So what school do you go to?" he asked. Very original.

"East Haven, you?"

"Same, actually. Why haven't I seen you around more?" he pried.

"Probably cause you weren't looking," I responded. He laughed.

"You're funny," he said.

"Thank you."

"So are you staying here this summer or just visiting?" he asked.

"Staying here. I have a place on Willow," I said, getting a little impatient, but I doubt he could tell.


"Look, I know you just want to hook up, so can we just get to it?" I asked. I know I was being harsh, but he wasn't the most interesting guy, I was getting bored, and Sophie was right, I needed a rebound.

"I mean, I guess, if that's what you want," he said scratching the back of his head. 

I pulled him towards me by the shirt and started backing up to the pillar we were closest to. He dropped his red solo cup next to us and held me at my waist. A few more seconds and he started feeling me up. Great, first to second base in 0.2 seconds. I just hope he knew he wasn't getting a home run, or sliding to third anytime soon. We made out for a solid ten minutes before I realized what time it was. He was a good kisser, I'll give him that, but he tasted like whatever substance he had gotten us earlier. My guess, some type of cheap beer. I was actually kind of surprised with myself because this wasn't like me. Sophie and Zola would be proud, will be proud. It was about 10:20 when I came up for air.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. And you should too, the cops will be coming around any minute now," I said fixing my hair.

"How do you know?" he asked.

"This isn't my first rodeo. It was fun though, we should do it again sometime," I explained, starting to walk back towards the party.

"But I don't have your number," he said, walking after me. I stopped and searched through my purse for a few seconds. I found my pen, grabbed his hand, wrote my number, and went on my way. I thought the boy would be speechless cause he was a shy one, but he surprised me and said...

"Thanks, I'll text you." I couldn't be sure if that was true, but I had to find Zola and Sophie at the moment. By the time I was getting closer to the crowd, I spotted Zola. She was still on the wall, in the same spot, but with a different guy.

"Zole!" I shouted while cupping my hands around my mouth in her direction. She pulled away, looked over the random boy's shoulder, and shouted back.

"Coming!" She pushed the random boy off her and started walking toward me while tying the spaghetti straps on her dress. 

I wonder how those became untied, I thought sarcastically to myself.

"Do you see Sophie?" I asked.

"No. Shit," she said, probably realizing the time.

"It's ok, we'll find her," I reassured her. We were speed walking at this point and I was proud of my wedge walking abilities, especially in the sand. 

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