Chapter 3

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"It's not a date!" I exclaimed, rather annoyed at this point. As soon as I gave the kids their baths and sat them in front of the tv, I called Zola and Sophie.

"It's so a date," said Sophie.

"Yea stop denying it. You are going on a date with Tyler Paxon." Zola piped in.

"It's not a date and even if it was I wouldn't want to go on a date with Tyler Paxon," I said for the millionth time.

"Pssshtttt as if!" said Zola. "Who wouldn't want to go on a date with that greek god?" Zola was known to over exaggerate, but this time she was on-point.

"Me. I wouldn't want to."

"Well then too bad because you are," said Sophie. "So get off your butt and start picking out an outfit."

"Ughhhhhh," I exclaimed in annoyance. For the rest of the call, they helped me pick out an outfit. We landed on a "cute but casual" blue dress, or so Sophie called it. Then I got a shower and made the kids dinner before I left. I was so thankful my mom or bob didn't ask me to babysit tonight. Before I left I made sure to tell my mom what happened. We've always been really close so I tell her basically everything, to an extent.

She thought it was a date too.

He was right on time and actually came up to the door and knocked. I had to keep reminding myself that it wasn't a date. He opened the door and I tried to stop myself from staring. He had a silver truck and was wearing khaki shorts and a t-shirt. He even opened the door of the truck for me which was not reassuring my not a date theory.

"So how's that elbow holding up?" he asked, laughing at his own joke. It gave me butterflies but I decided to ignore them.

"It's fine," I responded, smiling back on the memory.

"So I was thinking we can get something to eat first, know any good places?"

"Yea, actually, I do. Make a right here." I gave him directions for the rest of the way to this amazing pizza place that I have been going to for years. Even better, it's definitely not somewhere you would bring your date.

"You can just park right there," I instructed.

"Where are we eating?" Tyler asked, obviously confused.

"Don't worry it's around the corner," I said while laughing a little. After we got inside I could see the worried look on Tyler's face. The tables were rickety and some were even missing chairs. There was a small counter in the back where you get the pizza and the paint was chipping off the walls.

I reassured him, "Trust me, it's the best pizza you'll ever have."

"Well we're here now so I guess I have to trust you," he said. We walked up to the counter and got two slices, some fries, and two cokes. I started thinking about the whole date thing again when he wouldn't let me pay but I just kept reassuring myself that it was common courtesy.

"Come on, we can walk and eat," I said as I led him out of the side door and directly into town.

"Mmmm good right," I asked, my mouth still half full. I know I'm going to punch myself for that later.

"Eh, it's pretty good," Tyler said, unamused.

"Pretty good? You've got to be kidding me, it's the best."

"I've had better."

"Oh yeah, where?" I questioned.

"There's this little pizza shop in the middle of Brisbane. Best pizza I've ever had, blows this out of the water. You would like it better too," Tyler said.

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