Chapter 4

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"Oh my god! That was so... so... so much fun!" I exclaimed looking behind us as Tyler was driving away from the pier.

"That's your idea of fun?" Tyler asked, laughing just as hard as I was.

"Isn't it yours?" I said rhetorically as I smiled back at him. He dropped me back off at my place and waved goodbye to me from his truck. I went straight to my bedroom, threw my purse on the vanity, and plopped down on the bed. What a night, I thought to myself.

After gathering myself, I picked up my phone to facetime Zola and Sophie. I knew what they were going to say already but maybe I kind of wanted to hear it. one ring and Zola picked up, that girl is attached to her phone. Once I finished telling them about the whole night, start to finish, they had a lot to say. Zola went on and on about how I was going to be dating one of the hottest guys in the school. I kept telling her that we aren't dating but she wouldn't take no for an answer. Sophie was more concerned about what was going to happen next.

You didn't get his number?"

"When will you see him again?"

"Why didn't you kiss him? You totally should've kissed him. He probably thinks you're in the friend zone now."

"Guys! You have to stop with all the questions. One: we're not dating, I don't even think he likes me like that." I began.

Zola chimes in, "He likes you like that."

"Two: I will see him when I see him. It's a small town, we are bound to see each other at some point. And if we don't, oh well."

"Don't lie to yourself Rory, you like him. And you want to see him again," said Sophie, confidant in her instincts, as always.

"You are smitten," said Zola.

"So smitten," added Sophie.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. We're supposed to be talking about when you guys are visiting." For the rest of the call, we talked about the weekends they weren't working and such. Obviously they were coming down for two weeks at the beginning of July, but I missed them and wanted to see them sooner. That's when I realized it was already eleven o'clock and I had work in the morning so I went to bed.

Sorry this chapter is kind of short, next chapter will make up for it.

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