My Past

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It started on Christmas; well a few days before Christmas.

*Flashback, 13 Year Old Carly POV, Four Years ago*

I walked down the hallway with my friends, we were giving each other gifts before we left for Christmas break. I came to school in my favorite outfit: a creme knit colored sweater that went all the way to my butt (I liked it like that), black leggings, a red scarf, and my classic UGG boots. To me, this was my favorite Christmasy, wintery outfit: long sweaters, leggings and boots.

Anyway, we were walking down the hall giving gifts, and literally filling the halls of jolly, (at least for us we were) until my fantasy stopped. Then, I was soaked with hot chocolate, literally, I was covered in hot chocolate. "Uhhh, sorry... Sorry." He mumbled as he walked off. Curiosity and annoyance filled my thoughts. Who was he? I'd never really seen him before. "Who is that?" I asked my best friend, Rachel. "That guy? Haha. That's Louis." she said, snickering. "How come I haven't seen him before?" I asked. "'Cuz, he's just moved here! What is up with you asking all these questions?"  My friend Janice replied. 

"Yeah, you never ask questions! For all I know, we usually make everyone's life a living hell if they got in our way, and obviously he's gotten in your way..." Jessi said. "Yeah, are you feeling okay? 'Cuz that stupid nub got hot chocolate on you!" Rachel said. "Yeah... I'll just... Uh, I'll just go get cleaned up..." I said slowly. "Don't you want us to come with you?" Janice asked, as the girls stared at me wide-eyed. "Uh, I'm fine, girls. You just... Uh, you can go to class?" I said, again getting confused expressions from the girls.

"Whatever..." Jessi mumbled; and they hurried off. Why am I feeling like this? Well, whatever it was, it'll just have to stop. If I keep this up, I'll have no more friends by the end of the day. 

*Present, 17 Year Old Carly POV*

Okay, story time... This story is about my past.

Hi, I'm Carly... Carly Elizabeth James. I'm currently 17 years old, but here's my story: When I met my best friend. It all started when I was only 13 years old, when I was giving presents to my supposed friends, well, at the time. Growing up, I was bullied... Childhood, I had absolutely NO friends, except Mr. Beanie. Mr. Beanie was my imaginary friend, along with, 'Kitty'. Kitty was my blanket. I'd carry Kitty with me everywhere I went, even to school, along with Mr. Beanie, of course. These were one of the things I were bullied for. They also used to tease me about my teeth... But the main reason why they bullied me... Was my dad.

You see, my dad was deaf, and we communicated through Sign Language. I always loved him endlessly, though; back then, he was more than my dad, he was my best friend. He'd tuck me into bed, put on puppet shows with me, comfort me during storms, he'd always make the best food, although he was deaf... He was always there for me, until one day. Mum was cooking dad and I's favorite meal, I went to look for him, but he was... Gone. My best friend, was hanging from the ceiling fan, along with a note on his bed. 

As a little six or seven year old, I could not understand what happened, I could read fairly well, but I couldn't ever read his messy cursive handwriting. I quickly took the note and showed it to mum, she quickly turned off the stove and ran straight into the bedroom. She fell to the ground, then sobbed on the bed, with me in her arms. My best friend, was gone; he left me. Fast forward a year or two, I was either in second or third grade; everyone knew. They knew what my dad did, and so they made each day of my life a living hell.

I came home everyday crying, in my hands, a few threads of Kitty remained; because people kept tugging and taking Kitty away from me. So, each day, there would be threads, about to fall, along with Mr. Beanie, just like my hopes. Now, as a single mum, mum had to get two jobs to support us. So, each day, I would come home to my babysitter, Vicky. I'd get off the bus, and she'd be there, waiting for me, along with her boyfriend, Rocky.

Despite my mum clearly telling her that she couldn't bring any of her friends to our home while she was babysitting me, she still did; she always brought Rocky. She would fool mum to think that she was perfect and obeyed all of her rules. 

Rocky, Vicky and I would walk home, I'd do my homework on my own while she fixed me a snack. She then would leave me to go tend to her boyfriend. They would always be snogging, and sometimes, let's say that they'd be busy in the guest bedroom, with the door locked, leaving me to do my homework and hear the dissturbing sounds from the bedroom. Other days, they'd be fighting. After she was done with Rocky, meaning; when Rocky went home, she'd give me dinner, an hourr before mum came home. Then, she would tuck me into bed and left me there, in my bed each night. I'd still be awake. After dad left us, I can't go to bed correctly. Usually, I'd be awake in my bed, until mum came home, and into my room. Whenever mum came into my room, she would whisper things to me, thinking I was asleep.

Fast forward one year.

Mum started seeing a guy named Jeff. I didn't like Jeff at all, for I could see through his white lies. Then, in mid-March, we found out that he was cheating with my mum. Heart broken, my mom gave up on love... Fast forward one more year, fifth grade. 

Fifth grade was my year. I was determined. Enough was enough. I've been enduring this pain for three to four years. Those years; filled with constant tears, heart break, and even mroe teasing each day. But, no, NOT TODAY. I will not let this go on, no. 

Fifth Grade Graduation:

Lana Stevebuger, or as I said, Lana Cheeseburger. I was at the table, getting something to drink, and when I turned to go back to my table, she spilled her drink on me. "OOPS!" she said obnoxiously. "Oh, yeah? Oops this." I said, then I took a handfull of ice cream and smered it on her chest and her dress. I began chanting, "LANA GOT CONED!" People chanted along. From then on, I let no one get in my way, causing me to be that insecure bully, that makes people feel bad, in order to not re-live my past. I know I'm like this, I know I hurt people's feelings, but it's not my fault. If I start showing my true colors, they will treat me like before; and now that everyone is afraid of me, they respect me. 

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