The Truth

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*Also, if you didn't know, Carly's full name is Carly Elizabeth James, hence her instagram name and the phrasing of James repeaditly said by Louis.* 


-A few determined minutes later...

"OH YEAH, I WON! EAT THAT, TOMLINSON!" I yelled as I did my victory dance. "Yeah, right, James. I let you win.." he said dully. "Fine.. RE-MATCH! And go hard on me! Oh, god, that sounded wrong, but you know what I mean..." I said. "Okay, James, I'll try my hardest!" he said through breaks of laughter. "Shuddup..." I said a little grossed out. "Prepare to get your ass whooped...!" he cheered happily. "Save the trash talk for the track, Tommo." I said through as gritted smile.

We played again and Louis lost... AGAIN.  

"YEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH BUDDYYYY!!!!! I beat you, AGAIN, Tomlinson! And you said I'd be the one getting my ass whooped, YEAH RIGHT!" I yelled. "Okay, okay, you won..." he said in defeat. "Okay, first things first. Lou Bear, I want you to go around and tell each one of your family members that you got beat by me, Carly in video games. He just stood there and looked at me in a 'Wow this is soooo bad' sarcastic kind of look. He then said, "OKAY!" happily and went quickly to his mum.

"MUM, guess what!? A girl, Carly, she beat me in playing video games!" he said cheerfully... "Oh... Uhm... Okay... And I thought Louis was an amazing player!" Johanna said, momentarily confused and a hint of shock written on her face. "Yeah, well, not anymoreee! LOOOSSEEERRR!" I practically said in Louis' face. Johanna laughed and returned to her cooking. 

We went and told Louis' sisters, and when they heard the news, they high fived me, and cheered, "YEAH! GIRL POWER!". I laughed and hugged them all, they were just too amazing. 

We finally made it back to the family room, "Okay, next thing, Louis, let's go to my house!" I said excited, while I grabbed Louis' hand and started through the front door.

"Okay... But I'm starting to get scared... " Louis said slowly. "Don't worry, babe! I'm not going to make you do anything ridiculous..." I said as I was laughing.

-20 colorful minutes later...

"TA-DA!" I cheered, revealing my master piece. "OH.MY.FUCKING.GOD... I look.... GORGEOUS!" he said practically girl-like. "Really!?" I asked in suprise. "Haha, NO. Just kidding. But seriously though... I look beyond weird..." he said as I grinned from ear to ear. THIS was my masterpiece... There sat Louis, trying to make himself think he looks atractive at my stationary table, where I put on my makeup. I was satisfied with my creation, so I uploaded the picture to instagram. 


Carly_Elizabeth : hanging with the bestie(: @Louis_Tomlinson


I instantly forgot that I had 507 followers on instagram. "Uh, Lou..." "Yeah, Carly-Boo?" he said girly and jokingly. "I put the picture on instagram. is that okay?" "Yeah, it's fine. We have so many pictures of us already so it doesn't make a difference, babe." he said, meanwhile I was suddenly remembering that I had already put so many pictures of us on instagram... I wonder what ever will think, cause I never really check the comments..... I broke out of my thoughts and remembered what I was going to say, "Step into my-" "PLEASE NOT YOUR CLOSET!" Louis interrupted me. "No, I was going to say bathroom, but later, we'll play dress-up! Thanks, Lou for giving me the idea!" I cheered. 

"Yay, I'm so excited, can't wait!" he said sarcastically. "Okay, okay, go into my bathroom and you'll find some makeup- removing wipes, after you... Apply the wipes on your face, make sure you wash your face with soap, okay?" I asked in agreement. "Okay." Louis said as he walked into my pink bathroom happily. "Pink?" I heard him call from the bathroom... "Yeah! I like it...!" I responded. What, pink was a pretty color, it was soft pink. Anyway, Louis came out of my bathroom after 10 minutes, damn, and I thought I was slow... When he came out, he was grinning like a mad man. 

What the hell did he do this time? "What... Did you do?" I asked worridly. "Oh, nothing, babe." he said, that grin of his wasn't coming off his face. All of a sudden, my phone started vibrating like crazy. I checked my instagram feed: I guess people are commenting on that picture we just took, wait... "WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yelled. My eyes nearly came out of their sockets. A picture... Of my Hello Kitty bra.


Louis_Tomlinson : Look what  found in @Carly_Elizabeth 's bathroom... Love ya, bestie! (; <3


Carly_Elizabeth : You're dead @Louis_Tomlinson    x


Louis' phone vibrated, he looked at his screen, then at me, then he started running. I ran after him, then I attempted to pin his arms down on top of his head, but it resulted in me awkwardly falling on top of him; and for the next minute we just lay there; on each other, staring into each other's eyes.. Talk about awkward.

I finally decided that my life is OVER. I got up off of Louis and quietly went to my bed, clearly I'm angry. By the looks of it, I'm getting hate... My past is now officially turning into the present. I scrolled through my newsfeed, everyone's talking about it. I started crying, "Carly, why are you crying?" Louis asked. I didn't give him an answer. "Babe, I'm really sorry... I was just joking-" "JUST JOKING!? Because of this, I'm going to re-live my past!" I yelled angrily. Shit, I just basically told him, but he eventually had to find out at some point... "Babe, what happened in the past? It's okay if you don't wanna tell me..." he said softly. 

"Louis... My dad was deaf, everyone knew, and they bullied me about it, but I still loved him endlessly. As a kid, I had no friends, I had no friends, because of the constant bullying... Then, they bullied me even more when they found out what my dad did..." I said. "Carly, what did your dad do?" Louis asked concerned. "He was my only friend, but then one day he was gone... Mum was making our favorite meal, and I went to look for him... I found him in the bedroom... Hanging from the ceiling fan... So, I got mum from the kitchen... I was only a little kid..." I said as I was crying.

Louis pulled me onto his chest, stroking my hair, "Shhhhh...... Babe, it's okay." he said as he comforted me. "And they teased me about it so bad, that I never told anyone, except you. Then, they teased me about mum having two jobs so she could support us... Later on in life, they teased me about my apperance, for example; my teeth, my slim body... So, I did this, but please don't think wrong of me." I said, then I showed him the cuts on my wrists. 

I noticed the tears falling down HIS eyes now... "Don't ever do that again, babe." Lou said, I smiled. "And Louis, the reason I'm Queen Bee is because of the bullying, to gain some respect... So, I didn't have to re-live my past again... And now, because of that picture, my past is gonna come back to me." "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it... I'll take it down..." he said nervously while fidgiting on his phone. "Thanks, Louis..." I said as our eyes were intently staring into each others. Next thing I know, our faces inched closer and closer. Then, we kissed.

Boy, did I not regret this kiss one bit--- My first kiss. 

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