~~~~~~PREVIEW! *not a chapter/update!* ~~~~~~~~~~~

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Hello, my lovelies! I know I haven't been on wattpad recently, but once again, I apologize fo dat. I've been busy with writing a story for Seventeen Magazine's WRITING contest. And, I spent my WHOLE SATURDAY, trying to come up with ideas... Then I got an idea, then I got carried away. And this is my little preview of THAT story! and you guys must be thinking, 'why is she writing another story if she isn't done with her other 2 stories yet?' well, the answer to that, my pretty ducklings is that... I DONT KNOW. It's #WriterProbs like seriously thoughhh >.< so yeah, I typed more, but here is a snippet of it! :) Enjoy my little ducklings. <3


Ch. 1 : Running Late

I was running late to the Photo shoot, so I caught the nearest cab, well, technically I didn’t ‘catch’ it, I just saw a cab and just sat in the backseat. What, I was running late; and it’s my job to get the models ready. I haven’t properly introduced myself now have I? I am Avery Belle and I am 19 years old. I know I’m a little young to be a world-known stylist, but hey, anything could happen.

I was on my way to a Photo shoot, until my car decided to break down, of all days; today she, my car, Blush just HAD to break down. And, yes, I did name my yellow Volkswagen Beetle, Blush. So, I did the next rational thing I could, I saw a cab with the driver in it, it didn’t look like there was a passenger in the car, so I just hopped in. I quickly gave the cab driver the money and told him where to drive me. As he stepped on the petal, I noticed there was a young man, well he was about my age (looks like it) and he was just sitting there in amusement. I gave him a weird look, then that’s when I realized, the driver was taking him somewhere FIRST.

I turned to the guy, “I am so sorry! I am in a bit of a rush to get to work!” I said. He just chuckled. “It’s alright, love,” he said as he held out his hand, waiting for me to shake it, I noticed he wasn’t from here, he had an accent… An accent that was indefinable, but it sounds distinctly British. I shook his hand and turned my gaze towards my window. “I wasn’t in that much of a rush either… I was just also heading off to work as well.” He said. I turned to him, “Okay, then…” I said as I turned back to my window. I heard him chuckle, what was so funny!? We sat there in silence, but as usual, the New York traffic was terrible, but I had no choice but to stay in this cab; I could never make it to the photo shoot by foot; and that too, I’m wearing heels.

I checked the time on my iPhone, 9:52 AM, great just great. I was supposed to be there 10 minutes ago. I quickly texted the Photographer and the manager,

Sorry. Will be there in a little bit. Car broke down, now in a cab. New York traffic is terrible!

And I was expecting an annoyed or an angry reply, but the manager said that it was fine… They will just have to wait for me as the backup stylist is on vacation.

We sat there in a few more moments of silence, until he spoke up. “I’m Zayn.” he said. I turned to his direction, “Okay.” I said, as I focused my gaze on the road. Honestly, I wasn’t in the mood for socializing, considering I am late to work and could possibly result in losing my once in a lifetime job. And I really like my job, at that! I get to fly all over the world, make models and celebrities appear nice and appealing to the people; and I make a nice load of money; any teenage girl would love this job!

Somehow, I got distracted by the traffic, “And you are…?” he asked. I turned around to look at him. “Annoyed,” I said, and once AGAIN, he chuckled. “I can tell,” he said, continuing on with his chuckling, which really annoyed me at this time. How can one chuckle at nothing for the past 10 minutes.

“Are you on any substance, because I don’t understand why you’ve chuckled at least 100 hundred times in the last 10 minutes?” I said, seriously, his constant chuckling was getting on my last nerves. “No, I’m chuckling because of how uptight you’re being about your job… And I’m guessing you’re about 18 or 19 years old, right?” he said. I was taken aback, how did he freaking guess my age…? “Yeah… I’m 19, big deal.” I said. “Well, the ‘big deal’ is that you have to relax and learn how to have fun… And by the looks of it, you don’t have any fun!” he said; now he was getting on my ABSOLUTE LAST NERVE. “For your information, Mr. Know-It-All, I have fun all the time! I love my job! And who are you to tell me to relax and have fun? How old are you anyway…?” I snapped. “Well, for starters, I am Zayn, and I’m going to turn 20 this January.” He said calmly, but I knew he was still enjoying this. “Well, Zayn, I can’t relax right now, knowing that my CAREER WILL BE RUINED!” I said, now frustrated. “And what is your career?” he asked calmly.

“I, I am a stylist.” I said, proudly. I am proud of myself for coming this far. I graduated high school, I got a jump start on college, and now here I am. 19 years old, making a ton of money for just doing something she loves. “Oh, okay… Just calm down, relax… Everything will be fine, you won’t lose your job.” He said reassuringly.

“Oh really? How would YOU know? What do YOU do for a living?” I said. He was just staring at the road; looks like he was trying to come up with something, then his eyes met mine. He smiled, then once again, chuckled, “I… I’m a…. Uh, well, I’m a musician…?” he said, sounding more like a question. “Are you sure…?” I asked. “Yeah…” he said, his thoughts trailing off. “Solo musician?” I asked him. He looked up at me, “No… It’s a group… It’s kinda hard to explain…” he said, trailing off. I am really unimpressed. Do you really need to lie to me? Seriously… But, I probably sounded a little too high up about my job… Whatever, that does not give a person the excuse to lie about their profession.

“Clearly…” I said. I then noticed the driver stopped driving, I looked around, and there it was, the studio. I quickly got up, I opened the door, and right as I stepped out, my heel broke. Zayn just sat there laughing at my misery. I was about to grab my purse from the seat, and just as I did, I was about to shut the cab door, some idiot bumped into me with cold coffee in their hands, I fell to the ground, I was now laying on my bottom, and luckily I still had my purse clutched to my chest. I was all wet, my hair, my face, my clothes, everything; I was drenched in the cold dark coffee. 


Haha, sorry guys! This was a long snippet but yeah. My story on word is 17 pages long (been working on it since Saturday morning) and it is 9,346 WORDS long! haha, but I still gotta edit it soo yeah!

What do you think about it? Does it seem interesting????? Leave a comment or vote on this Preview to tell me you enjoyed it!

Follow me on Twitter:  @the_MilkSHAIKH

Have a nice morning/afternoon/evening/night my little ducklings. <3 <3 <3 #MuchLove 

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