Getting To Know You

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Something about him, makes me feel like I can be that same old girl: Sweet, caring, shy... But if everyone else sees the real me, I'm back to my same old ways. Anyway, back to the story. Fast forward ti sixth grade, the teasing sort of stopped, but Lana did not. Yet, I had some kind of respect, but not fully. Till this day, the memory haunts me. In sixth grade, I started cutting. Right now, I'm afraid that if Iose my respect, I'll start cutting again because of the teasing that is yet to come. 

Now, here we are, 8th grade, me; the Popular Queen Bee, and I have my little group of Honeybees. Anyway, I cleaned myself out of the hot chocolate, but my mind was still wondering about him. I went through the day aimlessly, which is really bad for a girl like me. Although I may be a bully at school, I am actually taking all advanced classes, well except Physical Education, of course. I know, I'm one complex human being, but hey! I do me! I finally got home and there was a avery nice looking lady at our house, hmm, I haven't seen her in town before; note that since I'm 13, I don't need a babysitter, and mum doesn't need to have two jobs. I decide to go to the kitchen and pour myself some juice; I exit the kitchen, and into the family room to meet the nice lady, until I was interrupted  by a ring at the door. I nearly dropped my glass when I opened the door. It was that guy... What was his name...? Ah, yes, his name is Louis. Wait, how did Louis find out where I lived? Did he follow me?

"Uhh-" I said, until I was cut off by the nice looking lady, "Louis! Oh, how was your first day of school, honey?" Wait, was that her son? He came inside as I closed the door. I went into the family room again, where mum, Louis, and Louis' mum were. "Ah, Carly! This is Louis and this is Johanna! These are our new neighbors!" Mum said excitedly. New neighbors? What? I quickly looked out the window to notice the 'For Sale' sign was taken off. "Louis is about your age, Carly; right Johanna?" mum asked. "Yes, actually, he's turning 14 on the 24th!" "On the 24th... Of December? Christmas Eve?" mum asked surprised. "Yes, my early Christmas gift..." she said as she was hugging Louis; I giggled, which caused Louis to blush. "Have you guys met?" mum asked. "Well, sort of-" "Great! Go spend some time with Louis, while I help Johanna to unpack her boxes! Have a good time, we're right across the street!" mum said. 

I got up and headed to the kitchen, Louis followed. "So... Louis... How was... Uh, school?" I asked awkwardly after remembering that encounter with him this morning. "Uh... It was... Okay, I guess... Not one of the best days, but not the worst day, either." He said as I poured him some juice. "Here." I said, handing him the glass of orange juice. We stood there in silence... Then, mum walked in, "Okay, guys, we are going to be doing a lot of stuff at Johanna's house, so Carly, can you do homework with Louis?" she asked. I wasn't going to argue with mum, knowing that I won't win this fight. "Okay, mum." I said, turning back to Louis. "Do you want anything else to eat?" I asked. "No, I'm fine. Let's just do our homework..." he said. "Okay," I said as we grabbed out backpacks gtom the floor, we headed to the family room, we scattered our books, papers, pencils, erasers, and homework across the floor.

We silently did homework for five minutes until I decided to break the silence. "So, uh, Louis... Tell me about yourself..." I said, pushing my homework aside, Louis doing the same. He smiled. This is the first time I've seen him smile since I've met him. Well, when I met him, he spilled hot chocolate on me, leaving me fuming, which caused a very awkward sorry. I looked at him, "Why are you smiling at me like that?" I asked confused. "Oh, uh, um, sorry. You're the first one to ask to tell you about myself." he said as he shifted upright, sitting criss-cross applesauce. "Oh, well, I'm sure you made a few friends today, right?" I asked hopefully. "Sadly, no, I mean, not yet at least!" he said. I laughed, not an evil laugh, but a geniunly amused laugh.

It was was sort of shocking to hear that he hasn't made any friends yet. I mean, come on, he was somewhat good looking. "Okay, so my name is Louis William Tomlinson, I'm going to turn 14 on December 24th, I'm shy at first, but once you get to know me, I'm a funny guy. I don't like to take life TOO seriously, but I can be serious. I am also one of deep words. Although you can't see it, but my eyes tell a story. So, yeah! That's me! Tell me about you!" he said, Wow... Just wow. It's like he's reached into my soul and touched it, like he knows exactly what I'm talking about; even though I haven't siad anything...

"Okay, so, I'm Carly Elizabet James, my favorite color is blue; reading, writing, science, and photography are my hobbies. I take all advanced classes, I can play piano fairly well, and I'm the Queen Bee of the school." I said confidently. He looked at me fuunny. "Queen Bee?" he asked. Oh, crap. Never thought I'd have to unravel my story this fast to someone I just met. "Uhh, I'll explain later... Let's work on homework." I said, avoiding that question. I'll tell him... Maybe... Maybe, when the time is right? I don't know. Right now, he's not my friend. We're just getting aquainted. I can't just tell anyone my story...I haven't even told my Honeybees. Right now, we sit here in silence, doing boring math homework. He's not my friend, nor will ever be. But I can't deny that... There is something about him that makes me feel me... Like the real Carly that I am... The one nobody knows. And there's a reason nobody knows, and if anybody did know, then my life is over. O-V-E-R over. 

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