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I woke up to gray walls, a few tables, and an old TV on the wall; honestly, this place looked dull and depressing. I moved around in what I was laying in: A white papery gown in a nice comfy bed. Then I notcied a few tubes connected to me. Holy sh*t. I am in the hospital. In confusion and, well confusion, I sat upright (which I shouldn't have done by the way) until I felt the pain in my back, arms, head and legs.

I then felt a developing headache, so I turned my head to the side, looking at my side table, looking for some pain killers. But, out of reflex, I put my hand to my forehead, where the main part of the headache was at, I fidgeted with the cloth on my forehead. It was a thick layer, I might add. A bandage. I tried to regain memory of what happened and how I got here.

I tried really hard to remember, about a minute or two, I remembered. I was crossing the street, thinking about Louis and Alex. Then it hit me. Literally, a car hit me. I remembered seeing the blood from my forehead, then I remembered blacking out and the shouts of people.

After remembering the events, I instantly got a bigger headache, I'd freaking love to take a painkiller right now. After laying in this bed for who knows how long, a doctor came in. 'Dr. Shetty' was his name I read on his nametag.

I looked at him with pain in my eyes, making it obvious that I wanted a painkiller, he gave an encouraging smile. "Miss James, how are you feeling?" he asked. "Well, my back, body, legs and head is hurting. I think I've also got a headache." I said, placing a hand on my forehead. 

"Ah, yes. Your body is paining due to the hit, and due to the loss of blood from your head, you head should be paining. But don't worry, you haven't lost much blood." he said. "Try not to think too much," he said as he was heading out of the room, "also, you've got some visitors." he said as Johanna, mum, Louis and his sisters came in. "You've got five minutes." he said.

"How are you darling?" mum said as she sat next to me, I managed a weak smile. I noticed her red, puffy eyes and red nose. "I'm in pain." I croaked. "I'm sorry, mum..." I said. "It's not your fault... Accidents happen..." she re assured. 

"An accident that could have cost me my life and your only child, let alone, a girl... If I had payed attention while crossing the road then this would have never-" "It's okay, sweetie. All that matters is that you're here now, safe and sound." she said, a smile filled my face. 

She then got up, she headed out, but stopped at the door. "I'll be back tomorrow, okay babe. Love you." she said as she walked out. I smiled after her. I was here, alone with Louis. I sat there, not uttering a word; I still have to avoid him. We were just staring at each other, then Dr. Shetty came, "Times up." he said. 

"Goodbye, feel better... I'll uh, be back tomorrow...?" he said, then he kissed my cheek. I was shocked. He just kissed me. Again, his lips touched my skin. The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy. God, this means that I like him... Wait, but I like Alex... What??? Who do I freaking like? Alex or Louis? I have to like one person. Not both. I can't have everything. I can't have both.

I can't have Louis.

Not now.

Not ever.

I shut my eyes, and relieved myself of stress, then slowly driffted off into sleep...

I can't have both.

I can't have Louis.

Not now.

Not ever. 

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