Change My Mind

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I woke up again, this time for breakfast. There on the dull green tray, was cereal, terribly done toast and a small carton of that freaking sour orange juice, and a granola bar. Yum. Note the sarcasm. I slowly sat up right, well, clicked the button that adjusted me to be upright. I always forget that damn button.

My mini-table thing was adjusted so I can eat 'comfortably'. I took a look at my so-called breakfast, then shot a glance at the clock, 9:34 AM. Great. JUST GREAT. I ate the crap very slowly. I just ate the cereal (dry of course) and ate the gross granola bar along with it; those were the only decent things on my crap tray, or also known as my tray of crap.

My nurse came into my room and took the crap tray, then she handed me the nice looking, juicy apple, I grabbed it eagerly, yet polietly, making it look like I wasn't too eager for the apple when I really was. The apple was the only real, tasty edible substance/solid in this hell of a hospital. I finished the apple and quickly grabbed my phone, eager to get my mind off of tihs glum, depressing hospital.

Conveniently, my phone was on the side table, hmm. I scrolled through my instagram, noticing that people are still commenting about Louis' and I's pictures... I exited instagram and checked my texts and missed calls. 

'12 texts from The Carrot King Louis', '5 texts from Mummy', '2 missed calls from Mummy', and '3 missed calls from The Carrot King Louis'. I replied to Louis and mum's texts, then I called Louis, I needed someone to entertain and cheer me up. Dr. Shetty said that I'll be able to leave tomorrow, though; but I can't wait for a whole freaking day to pass by so I can go home.

No, I will not sit here and possonly die of boredom. I dialed Louis' number, after a few rings, "Hello?" Louis said sleepily. "Lou, it's me... Carly, I uh, should I call back later...?" I asked as I noticed his sleepy voice. HIs voice adjusted straight away, as if he was sitting in an upright, paying attention position, and actually lively and awake. 

"No! Uh, no." he re-stated calmly. "I, uh, I just wanted someone to talk to... To hang out with... I mean it gets boring in the hospital..." I stated. "Oh, okay! I'll be there in a few.. I'll just get my mum..." he said. "Oh, okay.. I'll see you then, bye!" I said happily.

-Louis POV-

"Carly, would you be my girlfriend?" I asked on one knee, I was in a suit, Carly was in a black pencil skirt and a nice floral top, along with some TOMS. She took my hand, "Louis... I...-" 

"LOUIS! Get your fat ass up! Stop being lazy and pick up your phone! Who knows, it could be me that's calling! LEWIS! LEWIS! LEWIS! LEWIS, STOP BEING LAZEH! MEOW MEOW! IMMA DOG! PICK UP YOUR PHONE YOU BEFORE I SHOVE-" Carly's voice yelled, AKA: My new 'ringtone'. Carly bombarded my phone the other day, changing my background and stuff... AHH... I answered the phone sleepily, making it obvvious to the person who was calling that I was sleepy and the you should not freaking call me in the morning.

"Lou, it's me... Carly, I uh, should I call back later...?" her sweet-angelic-like voice said. "No! Uh, no." I said awkwardly. "I, uh, I just wanted someone to talk to... To hang out with. I mean, it gets boring in the hospital..." she stated. I got up and started searching for a pair of pants, "Oh, okay! I'll be there in a few- I'll get my mum..." I said as I slipped on my red pants. 

I finally slipped on a white shirt as Carly ended the call. I shoved on my black VANS shoes and went to the kitchen, to find a note on the kitchen table.

Louis, Lottie is at her friend's house along with Fizzy. The twins are with me, we're doing some grocery shopping. If you need anything, go to Anne. She knows about this. (: Love you xxx

Shit. I rushed to the bathroom, I quickly brushed my teeth and splashed my face with water, I rushed back into the kitchen, I quickly ate a bowl of Fruit Loops, scraping a little bit of my roof pallet in the process, along with my gums. I quickly put the bowl in the sink and grabbed my jacket, phone and keys and rushed to Anne's house. 

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